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What If We Used Paratroops To Take Schweinfurt and Regensburg in '43?

Discussion in 'What If - European Theater - Western Front & Atlan' started by Dook, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Oh, you thought I would be stupid enough to put my real name on here like you dumbasses.
  2. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Yep, I knew it. You're all homo's. That's why you're into the WW2 stuff, you're attracted to the stories of real manly men.
  3. KodiakBeer

    KodiakBeer Member

    Nov 20, 2012
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    The Arid Zone
    Canadian lover? Now you're just getting mean!

    RichTO90 likes this.
  4. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Yes the Germans could and did. No German nightfighters were equipped with onboard searchlights. They used either WILDE SAU or ZAHME SAU tactics to engage the bombers...with considerable success. They usually "saw" the target by either its engine exhaust flashes or by its shadow reflected on clouds above or below by the light of the moon, searchlights, burning target markers, or burning cities.

    No, you were told what they were. In a typical training battalion the training cadre were comprised of soldiers rotated out from frontline duty. Some were recovering from wounds, injuries, or illness, others were returning from leave. Some were partly disabled. The personnel of the battalion by 1943 consisted of two elements - recruits and convalescents. Recruits were somewhere in there primary training cycle, but convalescents were all just that - experienced veterans preparing to return to their units.

    So what was the experience of the paratroops?
  5. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    No, you're ignorant on this subject compared to me, but then a twelve year old reading comic books for his information on World War II is probably less ignorant than you...unless that is you.

    You're very good at ad hominems. Too bad you're not too good at reason or logic.

    Your fascination with "real men" and yourself is interesting...project much?
    green slime likes this.
  6. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    The German nightfighters usually saw the night targets by the engine exhaust or moon light shadows? That's sight aiming. That's what I said, they have to see the target to shoot at it. That's not using radar to shoot at something. WW2 radar was not able to lock on to a target and there is no lock on for guns anyway.

    I was told what units were in Schweinfurt? So, you did not provide numbers.

    What would be the experience of the paratroops? Probably just basic training and then jump school.
  7. KodiakBeer

    KodiakBeer Member

    Nov 20, 2012
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    The Arid Zone
    I should point out that my eighties porn mustache picture is just that, a screen capture from one of my better films "The Captain Does Tennille" back when I went by the name screen name Manley Stifferson.

  8. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Everyone is so ignorant compared to you. Keep telling yourself that to make you feel better. Maybe if you write enough books about it your dad will finally be proud of you? Maybe not.

    I'm not too good at reason or logic? Oh, you think the word logic equals truth. It doesn't. A valid concept can still be false, but how could you know that?
  9. KodiakBeer

    KodiakBeer Member

    Nov 20, 2012
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    The Arid Zone
    I do have one more improvement to suggest. Have you considered exploding paratroopers? If we loaded each volunteer with a 100 pound pack of plastic explosive and dropped them directly on the factories with a contact detonator on the heel of their boot, the Germans would be taken completely by surprise. Who would expect that, right? Moreover, you could just use the washouts from paratrooper school, and save the better men for missions that they might survive.

    For your consideration...

    Owen, JJWilson, RichTO90 and 2 others like this.
  10. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    I thought there wasn't anyone dumber than a sack of hammers but it seems you are.
  11. KodiakBeer

    KodiakBeer Member

    Nov 20, 2012
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    The Arid Zone
    I forgot to mention that these would be Canadian paratroopers, so at least I ain't no Canadian lover like Rich up above. Interested yet?

  12. von Poop

    von Poop Waspish

    Apr 21, 2006
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    Perfidious Albion
    Canadian's can't help the circumstances of their birth:

    All homo's what?
    Grammar Nazis. They're everywhere, and still more tactically/strategically convincing than the premise of this thread.
  13. LRusso216

    LRusso216 Graybeard Staff Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    I knew there was a reason why I avoid "What ifs..." This thread is an example of why. First, a far-fetched idea is posited. It is attacked as unworkable for a variety of reasons. The OP responds with the way it COULD work. He (or she) restates the position. Once again the idea is responded to. Soon it devolves into name-calling. A pox on both (all) your houses.
  14. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    No one is required to post a comment. Everyone chose to. I don't care if anyone disagrees with me. I can defend myself with words and in person very well. When people don't like an idea and then resort to insults, I'm going to fight back.

    What this all boils down to is some of you people think you know more about WW2 than anyone else. As if that means something, as if that's important. There are thousands of books on WW2. The ones that some of you may have written are not better than the others.

    There are some serious self esteem issues going on here. Some of you think that if you learn as much as possible about WW2 then that will explain why your dad was not loving and affectionate to you.

    Boo freaken hoo. It's time to grow up and stand on your own two feet. Not on top of your father's old WW2 combat boots.
  15. green slime

    green slime Member

    Nov 18, 2010
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    Aside from your infantile fascination with homoerotica, your whimsical tales of self-masturbatory aggrandisement indicate it is you with the self esteem issues (who joins a forum and spouts about GPA, and writing checks? Is your self esteem so low, you have to grab your nutsack and wave it around like anyone should freakin' care? Is that supposed to impress or convince us you are worthy of respect? Guess what kiddo, welcome to the interwebs, where rants like that see what little respect anyone may have fly out the door). Guess what, no one here gives a rat's arse about your GPA, nor your earnings, real or imagined. Your proven display of cognitive dissonance further suggest it is you having issues. Today, we learnt how your mama opened the tough jars of marmelade for you; is there anything else you wish to communicate? Some kind of trauma that needs to come out? Did Shopping mall Santa touch you? Guess what? I don't care.

    What matters on a forum are the quality of the discussion; either in ideas, or in information.

    1) Your "idea" was not original; it is, at best, juvenile. The kind of things pre-teens will suggest. Guess what? This forum has seen more than its fair share exactly these kinds of ideas.
    2) You brought no new information, and repeatedly ignored information offered to you.

    Worse, when certain posters tried to illuminate these short comings, you ignored the information in their posts, act all butthurt, and start dropping the gay-bomb like you were running the Mardi Gras.
    lwd, Owen, RichTO90 and 2 others like this.
  16. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    Oh, I hit a nerve with one of the little babies who's daddy didn't give him enough hugs. Boo hoo. Grow up, become a real man and stand on your own two feet, not your daddies.

    What forum attacks any new idea? How does the website grow? It doesn't. It becomes a tiny little town of co-dependant followers.

    There are no new ideas here. There are no new ideas in your books. You're all primitive repeaters. You've all done nothing but visit the hero's combat zones and graves. You're not them and the best thing you could ever do won't even come close to what they did.

    None of you care about my GPA or my earnings? You care more than you can admit.

    My mama opened my tough jars of marmalade for me? Turn it over a stovetop flame for 20 seconds. I know it's tough for you to come up with any new idea on your own. You're a primitive repeater. No new ideas.

    What matters is the quality of the discussion? You guys started in with the insults, not I. What really matters to a tiny clique of unaccomplished losers is keeping the few online friends you have.

    The forum has seen enough of ideas like mine? You didn't have to comment but wanted a fight so you got one.

    I brought no new information? I wasn't aware that was a requirement. I think you're overstepping your authority. You don't own the website and you don't make the rules. I'm sure it's your lifes goal to some day be a moderator on a loser WW2 website that only has 100 people on it.

    And as far as the Mardi Gras goes (I've been to many Mardi Gras parades in New Orleans. Like WW2 it's probably another thing you talk about but probably have no experience at) as long as you don't go past the metal posts on Bourbon street you're not in the gay part.

    Whats next out of your cock holster mouth? More penis breath I expect?
  17. KodiakBeer

    KodiakBeer Member

    Nov 20, 2012
    Likes Received:
    The Arid Zone
  18. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Yes. That is how they engaged the target. Visually. No that is not how they normally found the target to engage it visually.

    Whoever said it was able to? WILDE SAU used day fighters guided to the bomber stream by a number of methods. Initially, it was by flying to where the searchlights and flak guns were targeting bombers. The fighters cruised about until they could visually find a bomber and then engaged it. Of course that meant the fighter was also in the zone of the flak guns and so occasionally were taken out by friendly fire. Thus the name, which loosely translates as "crazy pig". Later as the German ground radar systems and tracking improved, the Wilde Sau were guided by an early GCI system. Zahme Sau was an improvement...dedicated night fighters increasingly equipped with on board radar systems. A lead fighter was then guided to the bomber screen by GCI until he could track the stream with his onboard radar and he then engaged or, more often, guided other non-radar equipped NF onto the stream. The multiple systems required multiple countermeasures, which led to the ongoing electronics war. I have a couple of good books for you to read on the subject if you want details.

    Actually I did, in general terms, but instead of asking questions to clarify you decided to get belligerent. That's your problem, not mine.

    So what happens when they encounter twice their numbers of more heavily armed troops, who are more mobile, know the terrain, and are led by and comprised of more veteran and experienced troops...along with some with "just basic training"?

    BTW, would you mind answering which paratroops you think jumped into Berlin? Which Normandy beaches were undefended?
  19. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Hey, I have yet to figure out why anyone thinks I'm a Canadian lover? I happen to live fairly close to them and I tolerate them, but they talk funny and are too polite. However, he seems easily confused...apparently he thinks everyone here "writes books", which is up there with not writing big checks and completing undergraduate in four rather than five years in his universe of awful things.
  20. Dook

    Dook Member

    Nov 30, 2017
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    I decided to get belligerent? Where? Proof? Your post in #19 called me another "Shooterike", whatever that is. You were trying to get your nerd group against me, which is fine. I can handle a bunch of balding out of shape nerdy daddies boys.

    I know your type. You live off of other peoples doings because you could NEVER do anything like what they did. You have no imagination. You don't even know what that is. You have to repeat, you recycle other peoples ideas as if they could be your own.

    What happens when the paratroops encounter twice their numbers of more heavily armed troops? If they're like you they piss their pants, but they're not so they fight. Something you've never done.

    Would I mind answering which paratroops jumped into Berlin? I already did. I said I was wrong. Unlike you I can admit it because that's what REAL men do, not wussies like you who lie and spin just to feel equal to the rest of us.

    Which Normandy beaches were undefended? I didn't say any were undefended liar.

    How many B-17's were lost in the Schweinfurt Raid? Oh, that's right, you didn't know that 17 of them that returned to England had to be scrapped so that's why your number was wrong. And you're the supposed "expert".
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2017

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