The last of the Buffaloes... Last of the Buffalos 1998: the discovery in Russia On September 1, 1998, television stations in Finland showed a Brewster fighter that had just been pulled from a lake in Karelia, territory over which Finland and Russia fought in the Winter War of 1939-40 and again in the Continuation War of 1941-1944. (Look on a map for St. Petersburg, then known as Leningrad, and you'll see why the Russians were determined to own Karelia.) The site was Big Kolejärvi Lake, just below the 64th parallel of longitude and 60 miles east of the present Finnish border. .... in the end the Brewster was turned over to a Moscow-based aircraft company named Aviazapchast, or Avia Transport. Aviazapchast moved the Brewster to Moscow (earlier reports said Tver), supposedly for restoration. For the next two months, all that came out of Russia with respect to BW-372 was that the plane was a national treasure and would never be released. Then, one day in December 1998, we heard that it had reappeared at Shannon Airport in the west of Ireland.
Saw and read about that plane is in squadron book still new no unit markings yet. It said the Russians who took it thinking it would get a lot of money did a lot of damage that they were able to patch up. Hope that they are able to completely restore it.
Been trying to find my f-toys Buffaloes t,got the collector box series so have three two are supposed to be the 339s and one the 239 Finnish model. But it's more the 339 or f2a2. Been researching there was never officially a bison but from what I have found the navy did approve a project the xa32. On paper it was very promising but it was a complete failure. Over weight, terrible streaming that effected flight. It was as big as the buccaneer had similar landing gear as the buccaneer single seater, four blade prop. There's another guy with a bison model and similar story says he came up with himself and never saw the other bison story and model. I'm going to use my f-toy 239 to convert since mark1 has a much better and more accurate kit,on my wish list.