I wouldn't know if it is right or wrong. Trusting Google translate, which have found to not always be on the mark.
I read many people want Asian print tattoos because they look so good but after the work is done it says Vanilla milk shake, please. .. Also I have seen many Young women want a tattoo on their lower back. Nobody told them they could not have epidural injection after that to kill the pain when delivering a child. Nobody wants to do that because the tattoo could transfer infection to the epidural canal if you puncture through it.
Never ever trust secondary sources both spellings: 新高山登れ1208(ニイタカヤマノボレ1208) a picture says more than 1000 words (wherever the phrase is hidden in this chicken scratching)
I have frequently seen that as "a clear indication that Pearl Would be attacked." If they're really weak I ask them to explain the difference in dates. Probably shouldn't, just kicking that puppy should be enough.
The infamous hindsight bias One would not like to believe how many people always recognize completely compelling causal chains AFTERWARDS Surprisingly, they don't manage to do that in their lives BEFORE something happens, and don't get a second's pondering because of it sigh
The information was not acted on because FDR and other high officials made sure that Kimmel and Short did not receive it, and that no one who was aware of it acted on it, because they were desperate to get America into WWII and believed that only a Japanese attack on an American base would galvanize the American people into supporting entering the war. We have ample evidence--from Stimson himself--that FDR was looking for a way to maneuver Japan into firing the first shot. This bordered on treason. It certainly violated the Neutrality Act and belied his false promises to keep American boys out of the war.
There's a stupid. "Let's start a war in the Pacific with a big losses so we can get the people behind a war in Germany! Do you wear orthopedic hats?
There you go Mikey, spouting off with accusations when you don't know about that which your write . . . Article III, Section 3, Clause 1: Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. Your claim does not even some close . . . which is also why one so rarely sees anyone actually charged with treason, a very narrowly defined crime. Suggest you stop parroting folks who are equally constitutionally challenged. And exactly what part of "This is a war warning" do you suppose was not clear?
1st warning to Pearl Harbor: Rad, TAG to CG Hawaiian Dept, 7 Jul 41, WPD 4544. 2d warning to Pearl Harbor: Rad, TAG to CG Hawaiian Dept, 25 Jul 41, WPD 4544-3. 3d warning to Pearl Harbor: Memo, WPD for CofS, 18 Oct 41, WPD 4544-5. 4th warning to Pearl Harbor: Rad, CofS to CG Hawaiian Dept, 27 Nov 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 14, p. 1328. 5th warning to Pearl Harbor: Rad, G-2 to G-2 Hawaiian Dept, 27 Nov 41, Pearl Harbor Attack, pt. 14, p. 1329. You could consider the Navy warning as a 6th, but I was looking only at those that had an Army recipient. Nope, no warnings at all.
This has elicited a slight smile from me: I freely confess, both "The carriers were not there" and "They knew it, but said nothing to provoke an entry into the war" hypothesis were also once my "secured" state of knowledge - about 25 - 30 years ago. Then, however, at some point I took the trouble to read up on the many annoying details..... Conclusion: Who still considers these hypotheses plausible, also believes that Pocahontas is an ethnological study about the natives of North America......
LtDan, Are you sure you are one of them there Germans? You are throwing $10 words around and it is making me wonder.
The carriers weren't there by Kimmel's direction. DC ordered them to deliver more fighters to Wake and Midway. "How" was left up to 14th Naval District and CINCUS. Kimmel chose the means, the timing, etc. "The carriers were hustled out of PHarbor" belies the fact that Enterprise was due back in port on Dec. 6th.
Jawoll, mein Herr! (Just the fact that I had to look up the term "10$ words" has confirmed it to me once again) I recommend reading Mark Twain's "The Awful German Language", also be aware that we were taught English in school in an equally complicated way, then you will get an idea of how my sentences come about. (over-engineering means "just sufficient" for us)
I'm glad I was the impetuous to help you learn some new slang. I guess you can import it and change it to a "€10 word". I'll find that book or short story by Twain.