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What have you been watching?

Discussion in 'WWII Films & TV' started by Deep Web Diver, Dec 15, 2003.

  1. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    I think it's crazy the Russians have abandoned so much equiptment and munitions.,Ukraine forces saying they have captured forward dumps and now using the captured munitions against the Russians. I can't believe the Russians would abandon so much and not try to destroy what ever they have to leave behind. Like even we in past wars blew up everything we had to abandon so,enemy forces couldn't take advantage of them. Like when we had to evacuate from Korea and we blew up,the harbor as we had warehouses full,of munitions that we didn't want the Chinese to get. Mccarther really messed up there he just got too egotistic he was warned by both our government and the Chinese even boasting the Chinese were bluffing and too weak well he underestimated the Chinese and UN troops payed dearly. We last more men to the Chinese than to the North Koreans. Only our superior air power saved us from total defeat, boy did they drop a lot of naplam back then.
  2. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    That is an interest analogy. I know in the past when we got to where we had dirty and clean nukes referring to,there fall out half life Russia told China before China got nukes that all their dirty nukes were aimed at them. I wonder if China has made any especially dirty nukes to threaten them with. This would be a great time for China to take over territory they claim belonged to,them like the rest of Manchuria. I wonder if China has been building up their border forces as well,since all,other nations have mobilized. I bet the Chinese have been analyzing military data as well to try and figure out how to defend against such for future possible wars.
  3. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Saw the remarked red dawn thought it was terrible the original movie from the 80s was a lot better movie a lot of people said the Russian mock up,tanks were terrible but I thought they did a pretty good job. They couldn't get an Abrams for the movie and the guys that built the Russian mock ups built a mocked upmabrams for the movie as well. The whole notion of invasion from the south thru South America was a threat we took seriously but felt the chances were small as we had decent relations with the south. The story line was weak but tangible the remake was ridiculous as like even if North Korea tried to invade like where would they get enough planes and troops to,pull,it off. Like wedded all,those planes comming and splash them before they even made it to the coasts. The remake was a bomb the guy that made it was not thinking very well. He was trying to capitalize on the deteriorating relations with China then but the government threatened censorship as they said it might escalate a poor situation that they were trying to resolve. The picture wascsombad it cost 65 million and earned 44 million. A loss of 21 million probably hurt his chances for future projects.
  4. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    This thing in Ukraine is a bit depressing I feel sad for the children been watching anime, military shows and comedies on YouTube to,try and get in a better mood. Watched operation petticoat, bob hope in paleface and son of paleface I get they figured he's the son so they could say that he resembled his father but the used Jane Russell in both movies too,,lol, seems they could have found another actress for the second movie, don knots in shakiest gun in the west kinda has a similar plot clumsy dude hooks up,with female outlaw who,kills a bunch of Indians or bad guys and the dude gets the credit she uses the dude to complete a undercover mission for the government in exchange for a full,pardon. I have to say I think Barbra rhoades was a cutie back then. Jane Russell had a great figure that was what her big fame was back then. Watched some classic Shirley temple like little princess, Susana of the Mounties, wee willy wonky, the little colonel,,the littlest rebel, kolchak the night stalker I loved how he would always solve the mystery but end up not ever publishing his story either the paper wouldn't print it because they felt it would destroy their credibility or he would be threatened by the government with imprisonment if he printed anything about it like the ufo incident or the android incident and the last episode that strange reptilian creatures roamed in the underground all classified by the military top secret. The new series I think the problem was the focus was he was trying to prove aliens existed and not really about mysteries in general although he would investigate strange occupancies as they might be connected with ufo activity. Unfortunately it didn't do well and got cancelled really early about half a season only ten the original only had one season as well with only 13 episodes. Saw that series on Doolittle I was amazed about all the things he did. The series talks about his involvement in cranking up the aircraft industry before the war as we were far behind most other nations in aircraft development and production. That he originally was told he could not go on the mission that he was too valuable and the mission too dangerous. The men were actually told the mission was pretty much one way and Doolittle wanted to go and lead the mission so as to reassure the men they were not on a suicide mission. When Doolittle told them he was leading the mission not a single man backed out in fact they stared with 25 crews and choose 18 those not chosen begged to take someone's place but no one would back out they could only take sixteen planes so two crews were backmupmthe day of the attack the back up crews tried to replace any that wanted out but again none wanted to back out. Just goes to show you what kind of leader he was and the inspiration he instilled in his men. I really can't believe he felt he failed the mission because he lost all his planes that wasn't his fault they bombed all their targets and lost all the planes but saved most of the crews. Sad that a couple of crews were captured some executed a few imprisoned for years tortured they say almost every day.
  5. Half Track

    Half Track Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Chambersburg Pennsylvania
    I am watching “Grayhound” right now on Demand with Comcast TV. It is very good with Tom Hanks and lots of action. The computer simulation is some of the best I have seen, I understand they used the USS Kid museum ship in Baton Rouge for the on board scenes. Very good action U.S. Navy destroyer movie. Never saw it before.
    Kai-Petri likes this.
  6. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Sounds good I'll have to check it out.
  7. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Well besides watching the war and finding things to lighten my mood anime, comedies. Watched a Grumman goose restoration I believe it was a 42 navy goose in the three tone camo. They dismantled it and totally striped it to a empty hull. They cleaned and repaired the inside and repainted. They striped the wings down to the frame and reassembled reskinned, new fabric on the control surfaces, completely rebuilt the control panels repainted it up as original. Overhauled the engines and made her 100 percent restored to serviceable condition. It's great to see a restoration so detailed. Plane rescue had a episode were they got and old wwii vintage aircraft and inspected it and found that one of the main spars were badly corroded and had to be replaced. They couldn't find the right spar anywhere tried searching all over. So the ordered a spar the same thickness but it was longer the cut it down to size and it worked perfectly. Some fire bomber squadron in the Midwest lost two planes within a year of each other due to main spar failur the crews were killed. The ntsb cited a poor maintenance and inspection program. One plane had been recently inspected and certified just before it crashed. The ntsb recommended better training and inspection methods. You would think such an operation would know better as most of the planes they use are older aircraft some dating back to wwii. It's something their even using large commercial,jets. Lost that one big jet trying to fight a fire in a canyon they say it was just too narrow and the plane got too low and the thermals messed up the planes flight and she hit a canyon wall. Maybe the pilot got a little too gung-ho,too.,
  8. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Hmmm, having a time trying to figure out how to build the interior for my G21 goose, seen too many variations on the interior layout. Think I'll just do the layout I've seen the most. Trying to get more data on the widgeon and mallard, G44 and G73.

    Watching reports on the war I wonder if the media is doing the ukrain a disservice that the Russians can use their information as to where Ukraine strong holds maybe and where they might have forward camps. Like the hugs are not very coy on where they Are and what troops maybe on hand. Like if I was a field commander and got a report that the enemy setup a supply base in the city square I'd order a heavy artillery and air bombardment. That's kewl they captured that damaged ka 52. I have the ka50 they look very similar except for the nose and a few other details.
  9. Half Track

    Half Track Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2017
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    Chambersburg Pennsylvania
    “The Forgotten Battle” , I watched it on Netflix. Absolutely outstanding World War II movie and one of the best I have seen through the years.. Aircraft, gliders and land battles. The Netherlands were liberated on 5 May 1945. A true story very well produced and directed with Dutch and German subtitles but with none when the British and Canadians speak. The water and mud scenes are unbelievably great. The actors, which I had never seen, were good too. Lots of action with good plot. Definitely recommend if you ever get a chance. 123 minutes.
    Kai-Petri likes this.
  10. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    Thanx for the tip!
    Half Track likes this.
  11. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Watched the steel lady on YouTube not a great movie but ok. A oil survey team goes down in the Sahara and make a forced landing they make it ok but their plane is done the captain looks around and finds a penant. Digs down and finds a tank buried they dig it out and decide to use it to drive to safety. The tank is supposed to be German but it's obvious it's a m24 with some work done to try to make it look more like a panzer three I guess but the turret looks the same for a m24 and the interior I'm sure was a stage and looked just too huge also they could have tried to get a German machine gun but the gun was the good ole Browning 30 cal and the standard 30 cal ammo boxes. Which reminds me they showed the ukrainians reloading mg belts opening boxed ammo and insertjng them in the belts. Looked like 7.62x54 or similar didnt look like 12.7 mm like I'm sure they have those or captured a bunch by now
  12. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    This short vid but anyway a couple of documents as well. Wonder if they ever get to know if he made it. If I understood it correctly they found notes that suit the robbery money.

  13. harolds

    harolds Member

    Aug 9, 2011
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    "1883" and "Picard"
  14. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Yes they did find some but just a small amount and some have speculated it may have been left there to throw off any investigation. The bulk has never been found. That's why you still,have people searching the woods they think the guy either died or buried it and then for some reason was never able to recover it as the money would have shown up some where but never has. Would be great to find lost money like that couple that found that buried gold. Bet that dog of theirs is treated like a king for finding those cans. The fib tried to claim it as federal gold stolen decades ago but the court ruled they could not beyond a doubt identify it as such as there's not serial numbers on coins so the couple got to keep it but had to pay taxes on the value of the gold. Anyway they will still be rich beyond whatever they had before. I wonder if the money is that stolen gold and why didn't the robbers ever go back for it were they killed on another heist or what should write josh gates to investigate that one.
    Kai-Petri likes this.
  15. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    It been very heart wrenching seeing all the reports of civilian war crimes. Whole families wiped out. That reporter witnessed a mother trying to get her children to safety and they were all killed in a mortar barrage on the civilian sector. Had to watch some someday cartoons to get my mood up. Makes me wish terrible things on Russia but that's not right either as many Russians are against the war. It's really pathetic those russian soldiers surrendering then breaking down crying and apologizing. I really feel sorry for those guys. The ones that have switched sides are probably condemned and many of those surrendered probably may be charged with desertion or as traitors, for giving up too easily. Many of the prisoners have told of food shortages and poor field accommodations sleeping in their carriers or in ditches. Like hell the rusdians could have commendered buildings and set up base camps like the Ukrainians. Putins war is a shambles, poor troop training poor field logistics of all types. Field camps, supply logistics, the number of abandoned vehicles due to fuel shortages is ridiculous. Any modern nation would be embrassment and disgraced for such. The ukrain is reporting large scale withdrawals and recapture of large amounts of territory and capturing large amount of vehicles. How ever the Russians have been trying to fortify their positions in the east. The Ukraine are rather good people they fight hard but treat their prisoners well trying to comfort them and giving them hot food and tea. Then you hear about evidence of Russians possibly executing prisoners civilians and POWs. What the hell is wrong with those people, all those decades under soviet rule has engrained the eleminate all those who oppose to insure control?? Had these dreams of that orbital platform the one they nicked named rod of god, dropping those rods on Moscow, their biggest military air base and naval base. Just wiped them off the map, but that would be wrong but then.
  16. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    The Soviet troops take the food from people, steal all the medication from Hospitals. Why should we feel mercy for those that surrender during battle. They use artillery and rockets to destroy all the houses. Is that anything else than robbery and crimes against humanity. Russians shall play because they let mr P have all control. In Finland he would be taken behind the sauna and given a traitor's death.the paid cops would eat led, too. And russkies talk about us as subhumans. How come our land is so much better in welfare if we are subhumans?
  17. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Hey saw this vid about when the Soviet Union fell they just abandoned stuff everywhere on the border of Finland and another country they found a abandoned Soviet ship yard with several abandoned ships and subs. Some subs were salvaged and put into service as training vessels and one even went to Australia as a museum piece. The other ships were salvaged for parts and to be recycled. There's other bases or centers like an old train depot found with old trains waiting for overhaul including three bullet trains a place with a ekanoplane, a base with old aircraft just rotting away mig23/25 etc. other harbors with abandoned subs and other ships. Hey found one of those special built Soviet helicopters the biggest ever built just abandoned it was built to lift ICBMs as the soviets were pissed that the US was able to figure out where they were hiding them by tracking roads they had to build to hide them in forests or other areas so they built this giant helicopter able to lift these ICBMs and position them in forests and other areas without having to build a road. They say there's so much abandoned soviet era stuff everywhere. Some places locals have stripped and others they are perfectly intact.
  18. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Reports that many of the russian soldiers that were stationed in Chernobyl have contracted radiation sickness having dug trenches in contaminated soil. More evidence that this operation was poorly planned or the officers were idiots or just didn't care about the safety of their troops. Who knows how many troops were exposed and how many will died as a result. Many Russian soldiers have been giving up or just not fighting earnestly they have no heart in this war and just want to go home. I wonder if Putin stays in charge if he will arrempt a Stalin type purge. Rusdia is a mess Putin thought he could blackmail Europe for gas sales but so far most countries have outright refused to cooperate. I hope that guys days are numbered.
  19. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Watching the news reports Russia is outraged that the Ukraine has attacked a oil tank farm in Russia. What the hell are they crying about they have been bombarding the Ukraine from inside Russia for weeks like they didn't think they would strike back. Their lucky they destroyed the tanks and not just bombard the whole city like they have been doing.,the russians are a bunch of cry babies they can dish it out but can't take it. I hope the Ukraine takes out more Russian oilfields and factories to show them they can be touched just as well. They wanna dish it out well they can take some back too
  20. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    At least I read the Ukrainian Army has taken Chernobyl back. The russians kept the power plant people as prisoners to keep the plant going on.

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