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Mussolini's War series

Discussion in 'The Library' started by Marek Sobski, Dec 17, 2020.

  1. Marek Sobski

    Marek Sobski New Member

    Dec 5, 2020
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    I wanted to introduce myself, my book series and its first volume.

    “Mussolini's War” series of publications is aimed to deal in a matter-of-fact way with the unfair, racist myth of the Italian being a cowardly soldier by birth. It will discuss in a substantive way the campaigns fought by the Italian forces on the ground, at sea and in the air during the reign of Benito Mussolini, the dictator. Reader-friendly language style, descriptions of previously neglected or unknown operations and actions, a lot of space devoted to the most important heroes of the events in question – the rank-and-file - all this makes these books dedicated to readers of all levels of historical knowledge and a guarantee of pleasant time spent reading. The painfully honest account of the weaknesses of the Italian military, in which however, we do not forget about the numerous examples of unprecedented heroism and endurance of the Italians, is based on references on the topic published worldwide, thanks to which we avoid mythologisation, which can often be noticed in other works. It is the first time that the subject is presented comprehensively in the English language.

    Volume I is "East Africa 1940-1941 (land campaign): The Italian Army Defends The Empire In The Horn Of Africa" available on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08PC7FYMV (and every other marketplace)

    When the Kingdom of Italy entered the war in Europe in June 1940, it did so only for a moment to hasten the fall of France and force Britain to the peace negotiations table. With each subsequent month it was turning out that the Italians had got involved in a war that was not going to have a quick and victorious end, and the state of their own unpreparedness for the conflict was shocking.

    Due to the Italian colonial possessions, the war also spread to East Africa, so distant for Europeans. This is where the situation of the Italian forces turned out to be the most difficult. The troops fighting there, mostly consisting of natives, were disastrously poorly armed, trained only for the purposes of colonial warfare or maintaining internal order in the colonies, cut off from supplies by neighbouring French and British possessions, and the Italian high command lacked the abilities of waging regular campaign. The British Empire, too, began the battle for the Horn of Africa poorly prepared, but quickly realised the importance of this campaign, namely the safety of its own lines of communication across the Red Sea, the Nile and Africa. Having quickly mobilised its forces, it proceeded to eliminate the Italian threat in this part of the world.

    This work presents in detail the campaign that lasted until November 1941, in which soldiers of about twenty nationalities from three continents fought on both sides for the colonial interests of Italy and Britain. The campaign in East Africa is not only about the frontline combat, it is also a brutal war between Italians and Ethiopian partisans. We also present issues such as the economic situation of Italian East Africa, the fate of the Italians inhabiting it, the history of the countries that constituted it after the campaign ended, and the Italian underground resistance, whose flame was smouldering up to the very armistice between Italy and the Allies.

    Marek Sobski, a graduate of the University of Zielona Góra, is a historian. Author of several books (including some published in English like "Lictorian Fasces Over England. Regia Aeronautica In Action Against Britain 1940–1941" and the two-volume "Crickets Against Rats. Regia Aeronautica In The Spanish Civil War"), as well as articles in specialist magazines. Since late 2011, he has been a promoter of interest in the history of the Italian military in the first half of the 20th century, and his expertise has been made available to readers of the "Mussolini's War" blog and on social media.

    Please wish me good luck!

    Best regards,

    Marek Sobski

    :) 126390378_1093069287795454_5175604973726955351_n.jpg
    Takao and belasar like this.
  2. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    Hello Marek,

    Sounds good. We do know the special troops were superb and even Rommel said under German officers the infantry was very good in battle. Otherwise the info has been quite low. Been to Italy twice and museums for ww1 existed but none for ww2.
  3. ColHessler

    ColHessler Member

    Dec 5, 2010
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    I've added it to my wish list. Thank you.
  4. ARWR

    ARWR Active Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    The Shire
    Whilst I would agree that the fighting abilities of the Italians have often been unduly rubbished I would disagree with this interpretation of why Italy entered the war. It was Mussolini's desire to take part in the expected peace conference to get a pick of the spoils. In his own words
    "I assure you the war will be over in September, and that I need a few thousand dead so as to be able to attend the peace conference as a belligerent"[1].

    [1] Austin, The Place of Malta . Page 120 Mussolini to Badoglio May 1940
    Carronade likes this.
  5. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    Italy did not attack before Germany was winning. Still they lost practically all batttles. Interesting. Or is it?
  6. ARWR

    ARWR Active Member

    Aug 2, 2020
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    The Shire
    Mussolini had informed Hitler by telephone that Italy would not be in a position to enter war alongside Germany until 1943.He changed policy in order not to miss out on the pickings as he saw them but he had decided that he would “declare war but.. won’t wage it”[1]. Italian efforts would be spread widely in order to create as many opportunities as possible for making claims at the peace negotiations whilst making modest tactical gains at little cost.

    [1] Gerhard Schreiber, Detlef Vogel, Germany and the Second World War, Clarendon Press, Germany, 1990. Vol 3 Page 62
  7. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    I definit
    I definitely agree.
  8. Marek Sobski

    Marek Sobski New Member

    Dec 5, 2020
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    First review: East African 1940-194 by Marek Sobski

    In preparation Vol. 2: "Mussolini's Eastern Crusade. Italian Expeditionary Corps In Operation Barbarossa" :)

    Color version of maps from "East Africa 1940-1941..." for download: rar

    Photos of the book:






  9. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    Marek. Are you here to take part in discussions or only advertise? I can see you have written the books so you could as well take part in our discussions on the subject. Thanx! And welcome.
  10. Marek Sobski

    Marek Sobski New Member

    Dec 5, 2020
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    Excuse me. If there are questions about the book or other questions about the Italian army adressed to my, I will answer.

    I promise, this is my last post about "East Africa 1940-1941...".
  11. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    To be honest "we expect people to stay as long as possible to discuss war" here if you leave now, I fear your books are not very much appreciated. The longer you stay the more we feel you are a member. So pick your choice...oh I think you already did.
  12. Marek Sobski

    Marek Sobski New Member

    Dec 5, 2020
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    I absolutely want to be a member of the forum. I will be happy to talk or answer your questions :).

    I just don't want to be considered a spammer. I don't think we understood each other. Therefore, the book has a professional translation :D.
    Kai-Petri likes this.
  13. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    How cold you be a spammer after all these books? My only fear is that is the end of your visit here. Do not please do it. We might get bad memories. Kph
  14. Marek Sobski

    Marek Sobski New Member

    Dec 5, 2020
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    Mussolini’s Eastern Crusade: The Italian Expeditionary Corps In Operation Barbarossa (Mussolini's War vol. 2) is now available: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GPYLYXC

    Color version of maps for download: jpg: 2-01.jpg and 7 other files

    Benito Mussolini was an exceptionally hot-headed politician. No wonder then that when reports from various sources began to reach him about the invasion of the Soviet Union planned by Adolf Hitler, in the blink of an eye he made the decision to accompany his friend in this new venture. The news of the enormous successes of the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front only reinforced the decision to send representatives of the Italian armed forces to Russia in the form of the Expeditionary Corps (Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in Russia; CSIR). It was one of the most disastrous decisions of the Duce, which in time directly contributed to the collapse of the fascist regime, as the number of victims and brutality of the fighting in the east terrified the Italian public opinion, which never looked at war in such a total way as it was in the 3rd Reich or USSR.

    In early July 1941, three Italian divisions and a Blackshirt Legion began their journey into the unknown. There, soldiers were to fight against a completely unknown opponent, among peoples and ethnicities of the Soviet Union oppressed by red terror and living on the verge of poverty. Italians also quickly understood that their enemy would be the climate, regardless of the season. Nevertheless, they proudly represented their country, and the period discussed in the book was indeed a time of heavy fighting, but also successes, which for Italian troops were so often missing in World War Two. At the same time, the first symptoms of impending catastrophe appeared. CSIR logistics turned out to be ineffective, the enemy's reserves of manpower seemed to be endless, and in terms of the quality and availability of weapons, he quickly began to outperform the Italians.

    The book covers the first period of Italian involvement on the Eastern Front: CSIR's participation in Operation “Barbarossa” and the Soviet counteroffensive in the winter of 1941/1942. The basis for the decision to increase the Italian participation to the level of an entire army (the 8th Army, commonly known as Armata Italiana in Russia - ARMIR) is also presented. One of the chapters is also devoted to the aviation component, which was subordinated to the command of the CSIR.

    1.Transfer of Corpo di Spedizione Italiano from Italy to the concentration area in Romania.


    2. Corpo di Spedizione Italiano positions as of August 13, 1941.


    3. Battle of Petrykivka (September 28-30, 1941).


    4. March of Corpo di Spedizione Italiano over the Volchya River and the capture of Pavlograd.


    5. The participation of Corpo di Spedizione Italiano in the capture of the Donetsk Basin.


    6. Operation of the seizure of Gorlovka and Rykove by Corpo di Spedizione Italiano.


    7. Italian offensive in the Tchasepetivka area.


    8. Christmas Battle (December 25-27, 1941).


    Best regards,

    Marek Sobski
    Kai-Petri likes this.
  15. Carronade

    Carronade Ace

    Feb 17, 2010
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    Good luck, Mr. Sobski! This looks like an interesting series; I look forward to reading it.

    I am curious about the subtitle The Italian Army Defends The Empire In The Horn Of Africa. The Italian Empire was in no need of defending until Mussolini chose to declare war. Actual hostilities in East Africa began with the Italian attacks on the Sudan and British Somaliland. Granted the remainder of the campaign was defensive on the Italian side.

    Best wishes.
  16. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    Really great maps, and I love maps.Good work there!
  17. Marek Sobski

    Marek Sobski New Member

    Dec 5, 2020
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    Exactly. At the beginning of the campaign, Italians were an active side. The capture of British Somaliland in particular was important, it helped put pressure on Britain to surrender sooner. It did not work ... However, in Rome it was known that in the event of a long war, East Africa would be lost, and the Italian army was only supposed to play against time and bind the enemy's forces. The Italians were of course the aggressive side, but the campaign turned so that it was the Italians who were defending themselves. That's what I meant.


    Kai-Petri likes this.
  18. ColHessler

    ColHessler Member

    Dec 5, 2010
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    I look forward to getting these.
  19. Dennis Alexander Kalnoky

    Dennis Alexander Kalnoky Member

    Feb 2, 2022
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    Salem, Oregon
    I am interested to learn more about Italy in WWII, from the Italian perspective. I agree there is not enough information.

    I am currently restoring a 1936 (XIV year of Mussolini) Carcano Moschetto 91 Carbine.
  20. Marek Sobski

    Marek Sobski New Member

    Dec 5, 2020
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    New release!


    Next one (vol. 4): Betasom: Italian Submarines in the Atlantic 1940-1945 - scheduled for release in 2023!

    The favourite weapon of Benito Mussolini was a bluff calculated for the intimidation of adversaries to force them to yield according to his will. This game of appearances the Italian dictator also practised in the military field. In order not to remain groundless, in 1936, General Alberto Pariani became the Secretary of the State in the Ministry of the War, and Mussolini managed the Ministry personally, and liked to stress the strength of the Italian Army in his cocky speeches, which, if necessary - according to him - would be able to deploy sixty fully equipped divisions. Reality, however, was very different, as for sixty whole divisions there was not enough weapons or even the appropriate number of officers. Thus, Pariani suggested that every infantry division will be reduced from three to two infantry regiments and in this wonderful way the Duce was still able to put a good face to bad game and claim that he had a large and well armed army.

    The time of checking this view in a clash with reality, however, was approaching inexorably. On 1 September 1939, Adolf Hitler's troops attacked Poland, on 3 September, the Allies, Britain and France, supported her by declaring war on the Third Reich. A series of small conflicts and political tensions in Asia, Africa and Europe finally led to the outbreak of another war on a global scale. The Italian dictator, associated with Hitler by the Steel Pact, announced Italy as a "non-belligerent". Being aware that the country and the armed forces were exhausted by the costs of wars in Ethiopia, Spain and the invasion on Albania, he waited. He compared himself to a cat prowling for a mouse, as he must have had practically mathematical certainty that his attack would succeed and he would not be left with nothing.

    The French armed forces in the interwar period had the reputation of the most powerful in the world, additionally protected by the widely-publicised Maginot Line. Moreover supported by Britain and her population and the economic potential of His Majesty's Empire, they seemed unbeatable. Therefore, it was a surprise to the world when German armoured divisions broke through the forests of the Ardennes and threatened the rear of the Anglo-French troops trying to rescue the Low Countries. After Sedan and Dunkirk, the Duce came to the conclusion that the time for his decisive leap had just arrived, after which his victim would accept any of his conditions.

    On 10 June 1940, Benito Mussolini, while speaking to the nation, stated that Italy was in a state of war with the western democracies. Completely unprepared for war, the Italian Royal Army, in the dictator's intention, had to perform one serious effort so that he could then, as a victor, sit at the peace negotiations table and impose his will on the world. Italian soldiers, despite the collapse of the weather in the Western Alps, were thrown into a frontal attack on the Maginot Line. The Duce calmly calculated that a few thousand corpses would be a small price for a success that he would achieve. The Germans, whenever they undertook frontal assaults on French fortifications, were slaughtered. Could the Italians possibly fare any better?

    The book is being illustrated by 8 maps and 94 photographs of the main theme of the work as well as photo album: Blitzkrieg in the Western Europe as seen in the Italian press at the time.

    List of chapters:

    I. Political Relations of Italy and France in the Interwar Period
    II. Time For The Final Decisions
    III. The Maginot Line in the Alps
    IV. Opposing Forces
    V. The First Fighting
    VI. Operation "B" - The Battle for the Small Saint Bernard Pass
    VII. Advance In the Direction of the Town of Modane
    VIII. Briançon: Italian Attack On The Town-Fortress
    IX. Advance Of The 1st Italian Army In The Alps
    X. Battle of Menton
    XI. The Armistice
    XII. The Situation On The Border Of Italian And French Possessions In North Africa


    ColHessler likes this.

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