Of-topic. Do you even think about anything else but Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin? You are really obsessed by the Russian President. You really desperately need some cure.
What of-topic? Totally on-topic. No, I don't think of him all the time. I only enjoy he made a mistake and destroys Russia for decades. Stupid ***hole. I enjoy your Russia is soon a big ****hole. Truly i believed they were to be a modern country and now one paranoid Senile crandpa destroys it all. What a dummy. Actually our morning news no more discuss the Ukraine war. We don't think about it. We just send guns to Ukraine. Actually I think more of Ww2 than Putin, while you are pro-Putin. You do the thinking. World vs Putin. Goodbye.
Btw, Historically I think I have read more about the USSR history than you. Politics is NOT history. You cannot make the difference. A man blaming me for poor English language cannot be above any historical level, only moron level. What history have you read? Putin my life 1-67. Democracy is based on changing leader every now and then. Dictatorship is a one leader show. Putin says he is Peter the Great Ii. Who? More like senile II the low. The end like Hitler's. Gun in hand. The man who wants Donbass join Russia destroys the country, how long do you think it will take to build the area again? 50 years? What a idiot.
First, you are of-topic but you don't even understand that, and I can not help you in that department. You really need an expert to take care of your mental health. I think that state has historic roots: you simply can not bear the fact that Russian Empire has dominated Finns and at the end they have taken lands that historically and legally belong to Russia and you want them so desperately. You simply have to reconcile with facts/reality and try to manage your anger. Negative emotions may hurt your mental health irredeemably. Think of that. PS: the whole world? Really? The whole world is so large that you can not see it. Look: North Atlantic Treaty Organization, NATO, Member Countries Highlighted By Orange In World Political Map. 29 Member Stock Vector - Illustration of croatia, design: 94496885
Perhaps we can return to myths of the Eastern Front. It is widely reported that Luftwaffe plots were ordered not to dogfight with Yaks that lacked an oil cooler under the nose (the Yak-3). But I have also had people claim that this is completely untrue... Can anybody confirm if this is a myth?
Oft repeated, never confirmed with a source from what I have read. Part of the description of the Yak-3 was wrong(the radio mast). Why was this "Oh, snap" moment in 1944? The supposed battle involved 8 Yaks vs a large number of Ju-87s escorted by 109s. 3 Stukas & 4 109s were lost for 0 Russian losses. This is small change for resulting in such a blanket order.
Eat this . Sweden ruled Finland 6 centuries, Russia one century. In the military history section. Is One century more than six centuries. Wow! You sure can count.
Russian Imperialism has cost Eastern Europe lots of blood, lots of wasted money and stifled it's development. Putin is just another Russian Imperialist.
Yes, Youre correct. When Putin cannot rule anymore there will be war in Kreml. My Money is on the military take over like they tried 1991. Then the nation was United and stopped the army. Now people live under fear and the opposition leaders are in jail. Sorry. Will move this to the Ukraine talk section when I have my bigger computer in use.
1. You may find real imperialists at the opposite side of Europe - across the channel. 2. Certain parts of East Europe are known as Blloodlands. These bloodsheds are self-inflicted. Poles vs. Ukies. Zhukov said: They will never forgive us that we have liberated them. Indeed.
The difference between the two is that Russian Imperialism results in subject people's that want to see the Russians as separate from them. The subject countries are frequently in a poor state once the Russians leave. Contrast this to British Imperialism, where basic infrastructure is improved beyond measure, health care built up to a much better standard, and an economic situation much better than when the British arrived. As a Brit I run into one immigrant after another that has good things to say about Britain and British colonial rule. I've not met one Eastern European yet showing anything but contempt for Russian occupation.
I am unaware of any channel cutting through eastern Europe Russians vs Finns Russian vs Latvians Russian vs Lithuanians Russians vs Poles Russians vs Ukrainians Gee, I wonder what the common denominator is with these "self inflicted" bloodsheds is? Zuhkov was in error. The countries were not "liberated", they were "occupied"...Occupied by Soviet troops for a good many decades at that - this, even though the Nazi threat had vaporized in 1945. Thus, in that sense Zuhkov would be correct...They will never forgive us that we have occupied them.
British occupation of two continents resulted in almost complete erradication of the native population. They didn't live long enough to wish Brits leave. All documentation about crimes in colonies has been destroyed. Only propaganda has remained. During the WW2 Brits have plundered India to feed the UK population whilst "irredeemably decadent" population of India starved to death. Milions. I could show more examples, but for what purpose? You already know that british empire was "bringing civilization to the rest of the world". Beleive if you want.
I am curious, which two continents did the British eradicate the populace? I'd disagree, there is a lot of mainstream historical information out there about the misdeeds of the British Empire. This is well known, and a stain upon Britain's history. 2.1–3.8 million Indians starved. Here's a link for anyone not familiar: Bengal famine of 1943 - Wikipedia However, if we're comparing Britain and Russia, the British are mere amateurs. During Stalin's regime 2.5 to 4 million people died during the man-made Holodomor (Ukrainian) Famine of 1932-33 and another 1.5 million during the 1931-32 Kazakh Famine. These plus direct executions, the de-Kulakization, Gulags, etc. raise the death toll in that era to 20 million+.
You may disagree but, just look here. And, that is just a tip of an iceberg. First sweep in front of own doorstep. I don't have such problems.
" I don't remember" said Peter Gabriel. Oh such a clever boy. Spaniards, Portugal, France, Germans, Italy, Begian Kongo, Japanese etc.how about HungaryAustria? No problems? Only bomb throwers? Has your family lived there all of it's time? If they were not jews why not desants? Bosnian war, whose side were you on. Nobody's? Who believes that? An innocent man,?
Austria-Hungary empire was fine, it was our country for centuries. Nobility did care for population as much as they did. The country disintegrated when nationalists prevailed. Have nationalists improoved anything? I doubt. Unification of German - Austrian - Hungarian Empires would have been a shortcut towards something like the EU. Without two major bloodsheds (two Great Wars, incited by Anglo Saxons). Nationalism is the problem, but I cannot reassure you about that because you are an extreme nationalist, beyond repair. To me nation/ethnicity means nothing. I am an European who follows our christian herritage. But you wont understand. It is too late for you. Your chauvinism is pathologic. Irreparable.
How sick can you be? I I say I am Eu to the corte that's what I am. It is you WHO is nationalist unwilling to change his view? You don't understand and still will not. Europe is a sickness while most O follow the evolution being of different cells wins, aryans live like that only a day. Evolution wins.