Hi, I'm looking to compare casualties in Australian divisions in the later campaigns with those experienced by US divisions. So far I have - The Phillipines 11th Airborne - 614 dead / 1926 wounded 96th Infantry - 514 dead / 1500 wounded Okinawa 7th Infantry - 1,116 dead / 6000 wounded 77th Infantry - 239 dead 96th Infantry - 1625 dead / 7500 wounded I'm a bit dubious about some of my figures because sources (where I can find one) can vary. Anyway, I'd appreciate any help with reliable statistics for the US formations. Thanks.
Ok, half answered my own post. Casualties for Okinawa as follows - 7th Infantry - 6,068 (1,122 dead / 4943 wounded) 27th Infantry - 3,255 (711 / 2520) 77th Infantry - 5,026 (1,018 / 3968) 96th Infantry - 7,430 (1506 / 5912) 1st Marine - 7,801 (1,115 / 6745) 6th Marine - 8,326 (1,622 / 6689) These figures don't include a total of over 200 missing. The 2nd Marine Division was only partly engaged and suffered just 95 battle casualties.
Opinion and speculation is more our thing, facts take some effort.... Stanton lists total war casualties for the 96th ID as: KIA: 1,563 _ WIA: 7,181 _ DOW: 473 I guess you would add DOW to KIA and subtract the Okinawa killed to get the numbers for Leyte. __1,563 ___+473 ___2,036 ___-1,506 ______530 Dead __7,181 __-5,912 ___1,269 Wounded
Thanks for that Earthican. For a lately raised division, the 96th had a very intense war! I was advised elsewhere that the 1st Cav Div suffered about 900 KIA in the Philippines. Apparently the 25th Infantry suffered the most, so their figure must be around 1,000. They suffered about 1,500 total for the war but I can't find any breakdown by campaign.
I noticed the US does not preserve the 'Roll of Honor' although unit documents contain these lists. It might have been seen as a private matter of the grieving families. No matter, it seems even the veterans just round-up the numbers: http://www.96th-infantry-division.com/memorials/okinawa/okinawa.htm
Hi My Father enlisted in the Army 29April 1941- he would arrive Oahu,Hawaii Headquarters Battalion 25th Infantry Division a few months before the attack on Pearl Harbor .so in researching his service and where that might have taken him - I looked to Battles and Campaign’s on separation papers they were Central Pacific-Guadalcanal-Southern Pacific-Luzon which led me to believe he was part of the 25th Division - his Arm or Service: FA - Field Artillery . It’s true that the 25th encountered a nightmarish stint. Does anyone here know more about this Unit and where there might be a list or roster of members of the 25th ?? Thank you in advance
Don't know if this will help, but here it is. HyperWar: Army Battle Casualties and Nonbattle Deaths in World War II
98th i believe- wording was faded-could be 90th - however I’ve been told that they usually attach any Div. just to clear the Separation. He went to Hawaii after enlisting in San Francisco. He and my Uncle Walley enlisted same day-shipped out to The Hawaiian Department of the Army . Constituted 26-August 1941 in the Army of the United States-as Headquarters ,25th Infantry Division -Activated 1 Oct.1941 at Schofield Barracks, Hawaii . Allotted 27 June 1949 to the Regular Army - Reorganized & Redesigned: 1 April 1960 as , HQ’s and HQ’s Company,25th Infantry División …and again was Reorganized & Redesigned 16 Nov. 2005 -as , HQ’s & Tactical Command Posts ..once more 16 Jan. 2010 as , HQ’s and HQ’s Battalion , 25th Infantry Division . Campaign Participation Credit : WWII Central Pacific-Guadalcanal-Northern Solomons- Luzon . Decorations: Philippine Presidencial Unit Citation-October 1944 to July 4, 1945 by Oder of the Secretary of the Army . The nickname for the 25th Inf Div. Tropic Lightning. So when he arrived to Oahu, Hawaii I believe it was named: America’s Pacific Division at Schofield Barracks . Also the Hawaiian Division had a 24th-27th . I think I read it’s now called: Garrison/HQ Wahiawa , Hawaii. Hey how does one check the Official Army Register ???
He was not discharged from the 98th Field Artillery Battalion. The 98th was a pack mule artillery unit(never saw combat) that was disbanded around September, 1944 in New Guinea, with most of it's personnel going to create the 6th Ranger Battalion.
Hi , I’ll try in a few hours- gotta close my eyes for awhile . Yes I’m not positive of which outfit he was assigned to . I was told the one given upon separation might not be it . The dates and places that the 25th traveled during the War fits with the places my Father traveled . So ‘ that’s it isn’t it the Unit -Battallion-Infantry- that he was truly with would allow a person to follow his path absolutely - thru MR’s -Field Reports -After action reports-Operation reports and other items . I wrote a text to the 25th Veterans Facebook page- - will check that out tomorrow- - I was at least trying to see if he was linked to the 25th - - Kinda narrow it down a bit , there are many- many more outfits that could be the one . Thank you so much for your reply RichT090 G’night
Hi -Takao , that number is what was on separation papers/ I know it doesn’t say anything concrete either way- - I kinda felt that he was with the 25th . I’ve got much more work to do for sure . Thank you G’night Takao
O h I’ve checked that one out Many times- - becoming a real Speed Reader I em Ha haaaa G’night OpanaPointer Until Morrow
Hi , I’m going to try and upload my Father’s Separation papers- Here goes- - well shoot Says Img. or File too large. I’ll try to save it somewhere I can edit it .