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Hitler called him - Personal Enemy

Discussion in 'Eastern Europe' started by IRu, Dec 28, 2010.

  1. IRu

    IRu Member

    Sep 17, 2010
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    At the end of the WWII the only hope for Hitler's success was a new weapon. These were cruise and ballistic missiles «Fau 1» and «Fau 2». Now we know that their development and testing were conducted on the Usedom Island, in Rocket Center Peenemunde. As far as I know, Russian, British and Americans knew about the existence of the center but they could not find exact location of it.
    I would like to tell about an unusual man, who helped do it. This is pilot Michael Devyatayev. His life is very tragic and unusual. And his feat had far-reaching consequences.
    In 1938 he was drafted into the Red Army. In 1940 he graduated from pilot school. The first aerial victory Devyatayev scored 24 June 1941, the day after the German attack on the USSR. In August 1941 he was awarded the Red Banner. In September 1941, in an air battle he was wounded. After treatment, he continued to serve. At first, in the air ambulance, and then - in the bombing.
    In May 1944 he again became a figher-pilot. 13 July 1944 on the aircraft Bell P-39 «Air cobra» (salute the U.S.!) while participating in aerial combat, he shot down a German FW - 190, but after that he was hit, jumped with a parachute and wounded, was captured.
    After interrogation, he identified the prisoner of war camp in Lodz, where together with a group of POWs, he made his first escape attempt. But the escapees were caught. Devyataev was sent to the death camp «Sachsenhausen». There's Michael Devyatayev, thanks to another prisoner, was able to change their status and he was soon sent to the Usedom Island.
    On the island, Devyatayev again began to plan an escape. He gathered a group of like-minded, 10 people. They tried several options for escape. And than, they decided to hijack a plane and fly on it. 8 February 1945 they managed to do it. It was a very risky and courageous act. But, flying 300 km, they were able to get to the location of the Red Army. Details can be found in books: «Polet k solntsy» (Flying to the sun) and «Pobeg iz ada» (Escape from Hell). I have heard that these books came out in English.
    This feat is widely known in the USSR, but only up to this point.
    What consequences has this escape? Why is Russia a lot of knowledge about this feat, but prefer not to talk about its consequences?
    1. Hijacked planes contain equipment tracking ballistic missiles. This equipment subsequently was used by the Red Army.
    2. Devyatayev accurately indicated the location of launch facilities Fau. This allowed for a productive aerial attack these plants. I think that it had retained some life in the UK, as the rocket flew there.
    3. In September 1945 Devyatayev was summoned to the Usedom Island. While there was a commission under the leadership of the Soviet rocket designer Korolev. Thanks to the help of Devyataev were found manufacturing plants and parts from missiles. Result: The first Soviet ballistic missile R-1 - is a modified German rocket Fau - 2.
    4. The subsequent fate Devyataeva. The full marasmus.
    After his escape from German captivity Devyatayev was placed in the filtration camp (it's a little better than prison). In November 1945 he was dismissed from the Red Army. Since he was in captivity, he was nowhere to take on the job. The first time it worked just a loader.
    Only in 1957, thanks to Soviet rocket designer Korolev (after the creation of the Soviet missiles) his feat was assessed. 15 August 1957 he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Michael Devyatayev died in Kazan in 2002.
    And Hitler named to Devyataev as a Personal Enemy, it is true))

    Here, a documentary film about the event
    Here an interview with Devyataev (it was made before 2 month his died)
    Here Devyataev`s biography (in English)
    Here, advertising a new movie about it
  2. lwd

    lwd Ace

    Jul 24, 2007
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    Impressive. Korolev also seems due some accolades as well.

    OT but I note IRu is now up to 14 salutes in 8 posts with just 62 total posts. That's cetainly indicative of a high signal to noise ratio. :)
  3. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    Seems like he was not considered a hero for a long long time...

    "Devyataev was discharged from the army in November 1945. However, his classification remained that of a "criminal" and so he was unable to find a job for a long while. Soviet authorities cleared Devyataev only in 1957, after the head of the Soviet space program Sergey Korolyov personally presented his case, arguing that the information provided by Devyataev and the other escapees had been critical for the Soviet space program."

    Mikhail Devyatayev - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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