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Radar the game changerblack

Discussion in 'Allied Weapons Used thru out WWII' started by Prospero Quevedo, Jul 18, 2021.

  1. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Wasn't sure where to put this, British built the first radar network that helped them prepare defending aircraft know when to go up and where to go thus saving precious fuel for flight time. The Germans realized how radar was working against them and tried to take out the network but I don't think they ever successfully took down the whole radar fence. The Germans built their own stations and the Japanese. I think the US excelled in all electronic technology reducing the size of equipment and refining surface radar that allowed aircraft to hunt down subs on the surface at night. The pbys night hunters the black cats the pb4ys. The first British coastal command radar equipped plane was something to see. Rows of antennas on the fuselage sides mast antennas on the top spine, under the wings and on the nose. The US radomes and blisters were much better. Now it says some of the domes were counter measures and trackers. I tried looking for what type of counter measures it did but really didn't find much. Like did it send a pulse that scrambled enemy radar. The trackers were to track enemy radar to be destroyed by bombers when located. Says the Japanese had the worst radar but not because they couldn't build one. They had the technology to do so but not the engineering capability. They didn't really understand the principles involved and by the time they got it the war was already quickly running against them. It could have made naval operations so much more effective if they had had a decent radar sooner. Radar today is still a major key in defense and weapons attack systems. I was actually surprised to learn the f86 had a small radar in the nose like were I thought but it was there so small and the targeting system that we could build a computing targeting system at that time so small. They say that's what helped the 86 get the high kill rate. The Russians suspected something was special about the F86 and put a bounty on the capture of one and unfortunately it happened several attempts to bomb it failed and the North Koreans took it north and gave it to the Russians. Plus they had a plane to study and see what other advances we had and look for weaknesses. Oops had an issue the title got screwed up the word black should be there
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2021
  2. CAC

    CAC Ace of Spades

    Dec 1, 2010
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  3. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    The Germans tried to find early on whether the British had radar. However, the Brits closed the radar and The Germans believed there was no radar to face.
  4. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    I had a neighbor who worked on the radar jammer for the B52s when Russia was supplying SAMs to the north Vietnamese. It worked at first then to their embarrassment it stopped. They sent a team of engineers to try to figure out what was going wrong the team couldn't find the problem for days weeks. The equipment was fine it was jamming then after studying action reports the engineers noticed the missiles always came at a certain angle they checked they had a dead zone that the Vietnamese found and would wait to line up the planes at the right angle so they tried moving the antennas but that would last for awhile then they'd find a new angle the they put a rotating antennas they figured out the rotation then they added a sweeping they had to keep changing things then the SAMs were hitting again and worse than ever they were stumped then they figured they were using the jamming signal as a homing signal and they came out with a jammer that changed frequency while operating it would change every few minutes. He said it is the modern game of ECM vs ECCM, both sides betting they ahead of the other and each side constantly trying to get the better of the other. Like the Russians listening in on our embassy using microwaves I think they said they would cover the windows and other portions of the building with heavy foil. Those sneaky russkies, I think the US was more worried what affects long term exposure to the microwaves were having on the personnel.
  5. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    In the movie Battle of Britain the Germans are looking at the radar towers then commenting they had captured the technology at Dunkirk. Was that true or just movie fiction.
  6. CAC

    CAC Ace of Spades

    Dec 1, 2010
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    When i worked at ADF HQ all the windows were "treated"...blast proof and unable to be listened into using remote tech...even tinted so that you couldnt see in.
    I was recently watching a show on the Pentagon plane crashing into it (911) and the engineering features in the building that saved countless lives...they mentioned one factor was the windows that didnt blow in.
    What you've written above is interesting, i didn't know the enemy had so much knowledge and the ability to adapt that quickly...i have a habit of underestimating the Russians. Like the Germans did, i see them as a little backward and only capable of stealing to keep up...I still feel weird when i see the quality of some of their aircraft or rockets and think its a fluke or stolen tech...but its from their minds and hands. Underestimate them at your own peril.

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