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Last US Cavalry charge

Discussion in 'War in the Pacific' started by GRW, Jul 21, 2024.

  1. GRW

    GRW Pillboxologist WW2|ORG Editor

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Stirling, Scotland
    Just been made aware of this from a friend. Never heard of it before.
    "Historians have said that losing the Philippines in the early stages of World War II was a defining event in the career of Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
    The same could be said of Edwin Ramsey. But Ramsey couldn't admit defeat.
    After MacArthur's retreat in early 1942, Ramsey, an officer in the 26th Cavalry Regiment of the U.S. Army, joined the Philippine resistance. He eventually headed a guerrilla force that grew to 40,000 enlisted men and officers, supplying crucial intelligence that helped lay the foundation for MacArthur's triumphant return more than two years later.
    He had proved his mettle months before MacArthur's departure, when he led the last mounted cavalry charge in U.S. military history — a courageous action that disrupted the Japanese invasion long enough for American and Philippine forces to pull back.
    Ramsey, 95, whose World War II exploits earned him the Distinguished Service Cross personally awarded by MacArthur, died of natural causes March 7 at his Westwood home, said his son, Douglas Ramsey.
    Enduring malaria, malnutrition, dysentery and an appendectomy without anesthesia during his service with the Philippine resistance, he received honors from several Philippine presidents and was revered in the Filipino American community.
    "Next to MacArthur, he is No. 2," said Eugene Orias Jr., a Filipino American who met Ramsey through a local chapter of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. "He was able to stay behind enemy lines while the country was under Japanese rule. When the general came back, he was able to give him the straight story of what happened."
    As the Japanese Imperial Army landed thousands of soldiers near Manila Bay in January 1942, the 26th Cavalry was ordered into the fray to delay the enemy's advance. Ramsey, then a lieutenant, led 27 riders to the strategic coastal village of Morong.
    The village was still as Ramsey entered, but a Japanese advance guard soon shattered the silence with guns blazing. When Ramsey spied hundreds more Japanese troops wading across a river toward him, he knew his men had only one hope for survival.
    He raised his pistol and, like a long line of cavalrymen since Custer's time, hollered, "Charge!"
    "Bent nearly prone across the horses' necks, we flung ourselves at the Japanese advance, pistols firing full into their startled faces," he recalled in "Lieutenant Ramsey's War," a 1991 memoir co-written with Stephen Revele. "A few returned our fire, but most fled in confusion.... To them we must have seemed a vision from another century, wild-eyed horses pounding headlong; cheering, whooping men firing from the saddles."
    After repelling the invaders, Ramsey and his platoon held their position for five hours under heavy fire until reinforcements arrived.
    "This gallant little band of horsemen had maintained the best traditions of the American Cavalry," Gen. Jonathan Wainwright, then a senior field commander under MacArthur, wrote in his official report on the battle. "I doubt if I could have successfully made that withdrawal" without them.
    But over the next weeks the Japanese army regrouped and pushed American and Philippine forces farther south. Rampant disease and starvation also sapped U.S. strength.
    The food situation was so dire that all horses belonging to the 26th Cavalry were ordered slaughtered. Ramsey learned of the demise of his beloved chestnut gelding, Bryn Awryn, while recovering from a leg wound in a field hospital, and bore the indignity of riding back to the battle lines in a truck. (The last mounted units were dissolved after the war.)"
    Col. Edwin Ramsey, 26th Cavalry (PS) — Philippine Scouts Heritage Society
    Ilsa Gutrune likes this.
  2. CAC

    CAC Ace of Spades

    Dec 1, 2010
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    This would have made a great "Commando" story..."The Japs scattered as the tough US horsemen carved through their ranks -Aiieee!"

    Last edited: Jul 21, 2024
    GRW likes this.
  3. GRW

    GRW Pillboxologist WW2|ORG Editor

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Stirling, Scotland
    I'm sure I actually read something similar as a kid!

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