New Netflix series "Territory" has begun to really good reviews. 'Territory' Review: Netflix's 'Yellowstone'-esque Aussie Drama ( Plenty of Australian actors you might recognise (but not as Australian) - Its shot in the Territory but also in a few other locations like South Australia.
I did model ships when I was in high school. A week before I left for boot camp a friend of the family came by with his 13 yo son. I got a big box and put all the models in it and gave it to him. His father gaped. (The father was a Navy veteran.) Then he turned to me and said, "I never wanted to guide my son into the Navy, always his choice. But watching his face when he saw all those ships told me he's made up his mind." The son went on to Annapolis and a good career. We still wave at each other over the internet.
Labor backs 16 as the minimum age to use social media ahead of national cabinet meeting ( A big move...A good move IMO
Kids should have cell phones. Their brains are still developing and are more susceptible to harmful EMF radiating from the cellphone. About two decades ago a coworker moonlighted in a mortuary said they've never seen so many "customers" with brain tumors. I asked him right side of the head? "Yes."
This wont stop kids using the net (the most powerful learning tool yet devised with answers to everything at their finger tips) - It reduces the time wasted on crap...and shuts down the majority of cyber bullying - And prevents children under 10 posting sexualised videos. Every country should look to do this IMO. Like all bans/prohibitions it wont be %100 - But "significantly" reduces the use and abuse.
Did you mean "Shouldn't"? If so I agree. Forget about the kids. Has anyone stopped to question the rational of buying/paying for a "New" cellphone every couple years because "Oh look at the shiny new BS on here!" ? Back in my Day if I bought something it was expected to last a couple of decades. At the least. Those extended warranties ?? When I'm asked if I want to buy the extended warranty I tell them if they don't expect it to last more the 90 days put it back on the shelf.
I bought a 1600 dollar phone and it lasted 3 months before breaking...These days i have a 99 dollar Telstra phone i use about once a month.
I bought a 1600 dollar phone and it lasted 3 months before breaking...These days i have a 99 dollar Telstra phone i use about once a month.
SIXTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS ? For a telephone ?? Guess what I paid for a 1969 Camero SS/RS ? Go ahead guess. Now remember it was three years old with almost 20,000 miles.
$1,600 in 1969 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $13,746.09 today - Inflation On the other hand: Money well spent!
It's a joke but could be in motion right now. The kids will get access when someone discovers/designs a workaround to get to any blocked content.
It's a joke but could be in motion right now. The kids will get access when someone discovers/designs a workaround to get to any blocked content.