I live in a conundrum : F16's flying just above the overcast ; Auroras predicted overhead but are as usual blocked by clouds. Always so close but so far. Hopeful and Disappointed in a single moment of anticipation.
I 'lived' near a few air facilities. NAS Oceania at Norfolk, VA; NAF Sigonella, Sicily; NAF Oceanside (Top Gear ground scenes); Miramar Marine Air Facility, California, an unnamed base in southern Georgia, used for Covert Ops hilos (SEAL taxis). More, probably, who remembers.
In other words, they don't actually know. "An international team of scientists has found unexpectedly high levels of the rare radioactive isotope beryllium-10 in samples from the Pacific seabed. And they believe it could have been caused by a blast of radiation from space more than 10 million years ago. Beryllium-10 is an isotope - a variant of an element with a different number of neutrons in its atomic nuclei, formed when cosmic rays hit oxygen and nitrogen in the upper atmosphere. After forming, this isotope falls to the ground in the rain and settles to the bottom of the seabed at a fairly constant rate. However, when the researchers looked at samples of the seabed from 10 million years ago, they found that the levels of beryllium-10 were almost twice what they had expected. Study author Dr Dominik Koll, from Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany, says: 'We had stumbled upon a previously undiscovered anomaly.' Scientists baffled by radioactive 'blip' deep under the Pacific Ocean
Most of the elements were created in stars, especially in super novas, so clouds of star shit floats around out there, in various and sundry flavors.
UK Scientists Unveil The First Carbon-14 Battery That Lasts 5,700 Years Without Ever Needing a Charge I remember telling Pops that battery breakthroughs are in the works...
A related report today on solid state batteries should perk Poppy up... Solid-State Batteries Are In ‘Trailblazer’ Mode. What's Holding Them Up?