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“Kfz. of the Wehrmacht”

Discussion in 'WWII General' started by sniper1946, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. sniper1946

    sniper1946 Expert

    Jun 11, 2009
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    Homepage english

    The site kfzderwehrmacht.de deals with the motor vehicles which were used by the German Reichswehr and Wehrmacht and other services of the German Reich before and during WW II. Motorcycles, passenger cars, lorries, motor buses as well as wheeled and tracked tractors and half track vehicles are treated. Both the vehicles developed by the army as well as confiscated civilian vehicles are to be found here. The large number of captured motor vehicles will be treated here, too. Due to the vast variety of types - especially of captured and formerly civilian motor vehicles - this site does not claim to cover the complete range of information on this topic!
  2. Spartanroller

    Spartanroller Ace

    Aug 30, 2010
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    I have an incredibly detailed (although unfortunately rather dull) book on all the unarmoured half tracks the germans employed, if anyone wants any info on them please let me know.

    Although that site is pretty detailed. :)

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