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1933 Reichstag Communist victims document

Discussion in 'Photographs and Documents' started by Skipper, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    After the destruction of the Reichstag and the arrest of several communist leaders, there was international concern to save these men , especially among the communists. They issued leaflets and postcards like this on in France. They are hard to find as such documents were forbidden by the Nazis and destroyed when found between 1940 and 1944.

    -Thaelmann was executed at Buchenwald , three others were allowed to to go the USSR and

    -Torgler worked for the Nazis to safe his life (they could kill his son) . Torgler's son eventually died on the Ost front in 1943 , and despite of survival the war the Communists did not re-integrate the father in the party .

    -Tanev was killed on a mission in Bulgaria in 1941 .

    -Dimitrov became the leader of Bulgaria in 1944

    -Popov went to Russia but was sent to the gulag by Stalin until 1954 . Curiosly there was no campaign to free him from Stalin's claws......

    The document is from my private collection .

    Kai-Petri and SKYLINEDRIVE like this.

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