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2nd Holocaust?

Discussion in 'What If - Other' started by Ether, Apr 11, 2002.

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  1. Ether

    Ether Member

    Feb 9, 2002
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    What if Germany won in Russia?
    Allies quite likely would not have been able to defeat Germany. What do the Nazis do next?

    People often overlook the fact that Hitler hated Russians as much as anything. Some have even suggested he hated them evan more than Jews. The term commijew (or something close to that) was commonly used. Obviously lebensraum was also directed into Poland/Western Russia as well. Throughout the 30's Hitler preached anti-communism, anti-russian sentiments constantly (which is why the non-aggression pact shocked the world so greatly).

    So my question is: What would the Nazis have done with victory in Russia and reletive security in Europe?

    I think the Russians would have been reduced in population greatly (which was happening in the war anyways) but still kept numerous enough to extract resources for German industry. Eventually, however, the Germans would continue to expand at the expense of the people unfortunate to be living in their path.
  2. Panzerknacker

    Panzerknacker New Member

    Jul 22, 2001
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    Hitler had always intended to use the Russian plains to settle his people.
    And if we go off Hitler's early policy of treatment of Russian prisoners-the Untermensch-then we can surmise that a Holocaust against teh Russian people would have been on Hitler's agenda-very high up
  3. PzJgr

    PzJgr Drill Instructor

    Dec 19, 2000
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    Jefferson, OH
    Definitely agree. It is well known and he had made it public on his plan with Russia. The smart thing for Germany to do would be consolidate their gains, stablize the armed forces and revitalize the economy. But they probably would have continued southward to the middles east since the Brits were there and they would have benefited from the oil
  4. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    I agree to a point but do not think Hitler would waste alot of time with a "Russian Holocost" He did see a use for them even if it were only as slaves.
  5. Ether

    Ether Member

    Feb 9, 2002
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    I believe Hitler specified a sort of racial hierarchy. Some ethnic groups would be kept as a slave class, not educated at all so they would just be a manual labour force.

    Hard to imagine what Hitler would have done, but I cant see them wasting the resources available by keeping a working class in Russia. At least not for a long time until a larger German population could do it themselves.

    If the Nazis really needed labour from Jews, Gypsies, and Poles then they might not have been murdered so soon either.
  6. PzJgr

    PzJgr Drill Instructor

    Dec 19, 2000
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    Jefferson, OH
    I would agree to an extent. If it wasn't for the SS being innovative in profiting from the concentration camp labourers, I am sure they would have killed off more. We all know that they did little to promote the life expectency of the slave labourers. They just replaced them. So, I do not believe that there was a plan to use them. The Nazi plan wanted Aryan farmers working the soil.
  7. Ether

    Ether Member

    Feb 9, 2002
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    Yes, but thats because there were always more laborers coming in. If there were no more, then maybe they would be kept a little bit more... work worthy?

    There was an actual written plan for a working class, however. They didn't want them to be educated or anything so they would not rise up and aryans wouldn't have to perform the less desirable jobs anymore. Jews were considered to be too low to be worthy of this posistion: hence the final solution.
  8. De Vlaamse Leeuw

    De Vlaamse Leeuw Member

    Sep 5, 2002
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    After Hitlers conquest of Russia, the Russians would be obliged to work in the factories in Russia, Germany, Oekraine, White-Russia, the Baltics, ...

    And the rest would have been killed or forced to work till death. Probably in camps created in the open plain around Kiev.

    And he would have used the useless prisoners to test new weapons upon.
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