First thing I noticed is there's not a single tat, piercing (perhaps one had earrings), purple/blue hair and I bet there's not a trace of THC or other illicit narcotic among them.
And I thought it was nylon rope (Dupont/Dow) instead of hemp? Hemp used to be grown throughout in my area - for rope, of course. Modernly those who grow it commerically are for cash crops. A few grow it for recreational use. I'm happy to grow squash 'n spuds.
The recreational market was under attack by "concerned citizens" who financed such cinemagraphic marvels as "REEFER MADNESS".
I loved that file cabinet scene. Now they'll need that super-computer in Utah to keep track of the dopers. When there was a vote in CO on legalizing mary-jane, I voted against it b/c I knew all the dredge from everywhere would storm in here; and they did.
Complex question with more than one answer…Female respect and self respect has been eroded, in the name of equality. (And the economy) In many ways it’s more ‘healthy’ that women have become more than objects of beauty. But we know the downside.
Indeed...It was always going to be a tax boon for the gumbyment... Reminds me of the electric car industry...1830 first electric cars... A chickeroo powering up... What happened to them?? Imagine the world we would live in now if the oil cars went by the wayside instead...