Hi all, This time I need help finding some info on my grandpas service. His name is Pvt. Jens H. Andersen and his service number is 37583415 Thanks for any help
Have you requested his military files yet? They would be a good place to start. It may take awhile. Do you have any photos of him in uniform that might provide some information on what unit he was with. You could post them here for help with that.
I do have some. It looks like he moved units a couple times...at least in the beginning. I'll find that out and post it here.
The more information you can provide, the easier it will be for us to find information. Pictures and scans of paperwork are invaluable tools.
Here's an address off a letter my grandpa sent back home Hdq. Co. 1st Bn., 385th Regt. 76th Inf. Div. A.P.O 76 Camp McCoy, WI He wrote the letter in August of 44. I assume he was there for training for awhile.
The 76th Division Association has online versions of their unit history, "We Ripened Fast: The Unofficial History of the Seventy-Sixth Infantry Division". (Scroll down and click where it says "We Ripened Fast".) You may find it interesting to read, especially the period during which your grandfather was with them. The 76th Division was used as a source of replacement troops for divisions already overseas.
The 76th ID shipped to Europe in November of 1944, so their personnel should have been stable leading up to then. There are no guarantees but it seems likely he shipped out with them. It may be worthwhile to check the Morning Reports for Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 385th Infantry Regiment.
You may be right that he shipped over with the 385th, but the 76th was losing troops as replacements at least as late as September. From the aforementioned history of the 76th Division: If you are ever inclined to vacation in St. Louis, you could check the MRs yourself at NARA. It could end up a disappointing trip if you turn up nothing, though. Researchers aren't inexpensive, but you will get useful information. They will follow the paper trail of your grandfather's service as far as they can. I would keep the option on the table, but continue to pursue other research avenues. You could try local historical society from your grandpa's home town/county. They may have old newspaper articles that mention him.
One of his letters I read mentions that he was about to cross Seigfried's line. Additionally, he also mentioned seeing Patton in person. Very cool stuff to read
LRusso, TD-Tommy, Earthican-- you guys are really something else. I'm so glad you are willing to help people in digging up info on ancestors and family-members who served... an invaluable service, and I really, truly believe there is something sacred to it.