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Anyone here ever play Panzer Commander or Waterloo?

Discussion in 'PC and Console Simulations' started by C.Evans, Dec 9, 2003.

  1. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    I would like to hear your opinions please Gents.
  2. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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    Carl, you mean this one?

    I have played this for several hours and I liked the sorta authenticity to it as you can follow in the footsteps of panzer divisions.

    Mostly I hated the French big tanks that would not explode even if I shot them in the back or the side (??)

    As well it really adds to the game to learn the little things like the orders for your comrades in which way they should follow you or go in front of you. I can save my own skin by sending a couple of tanks before me and the game goes on.

    I think I got a bit bored in one Russian city section where I always got shot by some T-34 because I did not have the patience to lurk enough long and as well it has a timer that makes you even more nervous...

    the Kursk part was quite a thriller but by sending other tanks in front I was able to get this part through as a battle ( not campaign ).

    I liked the game but after newer games I have not played this for a couple of years.
  3. Srdo

    Srdo Member

    Feb 28, 2001
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    I've played Panzer Commander few years ago and was pretty satisfied but had some really miserable moments against Matilda tanks in the Desert [​IMG] I mean, c'mon, three hits from point blank and nothing! And "no-save-during-the-game" sometimes pissed me off but alltogether it was excellent game.
  4. Herr Kaleun

    Herr Kaleun Member

    Jul 31, 2002
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    I played Panzer Commander quite bit when it was first released. It had several bugs, but the subsequent patches made the game much more stable even though there were still a few minor bugs remaining. I haven't played it in several years.

    I assume that you are referring to Waterloo (Battleground series by Talonsoft)? I bought a bundle pack of the Napoleonic battles (Waterloo, Napoleon in Russia, Prelude to Waterloo, and Age of Sail) about four or five years ago just to complete the series. I already had the Civil War Battleground games which I thoroughly enjoyed (Gettysburg, Shiloh, Antietam, Bull Run, Chickamauga).

    The feel of Waterloo is the same as other Battleground games. Although there are some difference in the phases of a turn. The graphics are great and units are well modelled. But, I wasn't able to get into the game as much as I had on the Civil War games. This was due to the fact that I know next to nothing about the Napoleonic battles or the strategies and tactics used. I am sure that someone who has studied the conflicts would get completely absorbed by the game.

    I hope this helps you, Carl.
  5. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi guys, thank you for the replies. I forgot that I had asked a question here.

    Hi Kai, I think that's the same one but, I think the box art is different?

    Thank you SRDO, this gives me a bit more to go on in deciding to get this game or not.

    Hi Ivan, thank you as well.

    Also, I don't know if the Waterloo game I saw was by Talonsoft or not. I will try to check back at the store I saw these at and see for sure.

    I love Talonsoft games and I have Eastern Front and when affordable, I plan on buying most of their wargames.
  6. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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  7. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Thanks Kai, looks like a real cool game. I think I will probaly get this one as I like the looks of it.
  8. BratwurstDimSum

    BratwurstDimSum Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Wow...panzer elite looks great, and wait, is it true? Are there humans in it?!

    Thats one of the two gripes I had about Panzer Commander, no life/people at all, just empty houses and streets, tanks for sure and pillboxes, but it was missing juuust that something. The other thing I found frustrating about it was that you can just explode in a fireball for apparently no reason at all...realistic I guess but "Who the F*** shot me?" was probably the most yelled out line by me and a lot of people playing this game
  9. Srdo

    Srdo Member

    Feb 28, 2001
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    Brat, I see you were annoyed with same things as I was during the gameplay :D I really felt as I was in some wasteland-no houses, no people, nothing.
    About the out-of-nowhere explosions. The answer is pretty simple. I had the same problem and after some research on the net at that time I found out that these explosions were caused by mines [​IMG]
  10. BratwurstDimSum

    BratwurstDimSum Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Panzer Elite rocks...I love the infantry and their bazookas, they are a bit 2d, but their running animation is something I've never seen before in any tank sim and when they ambush you... :eek:

    Even great things though get a bit boring so I installed the Eastern Front addon... :cool:

    What a difference. [​IMG] Traverse time on tiger turret is realistic compared to the rest, there is a commander in the cupola all the sounds are grittier the russian thatched houses look great and trenches! Some Russian tanks are actually dug in for real...along with their AT guns! :eek:

    The greatest difference is that there are LOADS of them, the russian steamroller indeed! On my first level with my Tiger, 3 Pz IVs and 1 panther; my TC was killed, my driver wounded, nearly all my 80 rounds expended (those KV-1s are tough) and all but 2 of my pz Ivs survived.

    Great stuff!

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