What kind--of Iron Cross? There are many different Iron Crosses. Do you mean the Iron Cross 1st class or 2nd class? If you want an Iron Cross 1st Class--you will be spending well ovewr $100.00 for it unless someone here is willing to part with one of theirs for less. I have two 1939 Iron Cross 1st Classes and about 15 Iron Crosses in total from 1870, 1914 and 1939. Unfortunately--i'm not selling any of mine. If you mean the Iron Cross with silvered edge, black center--you can find them for under $100.00 almost anywhere. I don't know what your Bronze Oak Cluster is as it is not a German award. Anyway--try www.blackcrossmilitaria.com www.sammler-cabinett.com http://www.galerie-histoire.de/ Also check into those sites links for other dealers.
Carl, I am talking about the award you see on most of the photographs of German Army officials-that Iron Cross. The Bronze Oak cluster was an award I read about in the Odessa files by Freidrich Fossyith(maybe he made it up) but I think what i want is the Iron Cross 1st class. Thanks for the info
Hello Buff - A good starting point might be Jamie Cross Militaria out of England. He has currently a series of Iron Crosses for sale, both First and Second Class I'm not sure of his web site address, but if you go to Goggle, and type in Jamie Cross, you'll get there. Bill
hey guys ! what a day full of nutz !! actually this is hard to believe but night fighter ace Kurt Welter of the jet Me 262 fame was to supposedly have had or I should say awarded a bronze oak leaf cluster to his Ritterkreuz as this was specifically made for him due to his influenece in night jet missions using the Ar 234 experimentally and having created the first all jet kommando named after him, later called 10./NJG 11. There is strong doubt that he ever received such a special award....... two cents away ~ E
Ok thanks everyone especially Bill!!! I shall take a look on google for this guy. any idea about how much he costs?
Hi 'Buff - He updates his website usually every week on Wednesday unless he is off on a buying spree over on the continent. ( Did I mention that he is out of England? ). Last week, I saw that he had some 1939 EK II pattern examples for just under $100 ( $96 ), for standared issue types. He might still have one available. 1939 EK I's can go from upwards of $150 to $200 for an uncased example. Also, remember that you are comparing the U.S. Dollar to the British Pound so monetary rates can vary from day to day. I have bought from Jamie with no problems. He tends to be a bit expensive on some other type awards such as Infantry Assault Badges, Panzer Assaults, etc., so I would attempt to locate these awards over here in the U.S. if possible. How's your helmet deal doing? Bill
Actually Bill, it's not. i have decided that it is really just too much money($250) although I think it a fair price. brian is a nice guy though, don't get me wrong. Checked out jamie cross, his deals seem decent, maybe I will give hima try. And by the way, Britain uses the Euro now, not the pound.
Hi Buff--now that I re-read you description--it sounds to me like you are looking for a Knights Cross of the Iron Cross-- BECAUSE you mentioned you wanted a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster--as described from The Odessa File. First off--it's not a Bronze Oak Leaf Cluster--they are simply called Oak Leaves or Einschlaub (SP?) in German. ALL Oak Leaves are made of pure Silver. Oak Leaves were also awarded to Pour le Merite Recipients as well. The only ww2 combat award to have Oak Leaves awarded to them was the Knights Cross. Now--i'm not sure if there were Oak Leaves also awarded for the Knights Cross of the War Merit Cross--or not. But--if you are looking for a Knights Cross w/ Oak Leaves--your easily looking at more than $10,000. The Odessa File book/ and movie both had the award as Knights Cross with Oak Leaf Cluster. (Just checked while watching the movie this morning-to make sure exactly what it was described as in the movie) [ 11. June 2003, 03:53 PM: Message edited by: C.Evans ]
showing my ignorance now.......Carl, wasn't Rüdel awarded a bronze ? cluster or was it a diamond studded oak leaves ? cannot remember, oh the shame.... ~E
Not ignorance. Rudel was awarded the Golden Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds--the only recipient to get that award. Hitler had intended that their be a total of I think 10 men at wars end--that would have the Golden Oaks/S/D's 10 signifying that their were 10 Knights of the Round Table. There was also suppose to be a total of 100 who would have what the 27 had--RK/Oaks/S/D's.
thanks friend ! I didn't know there was suppose to be that many 's with the golden-leaves.... well Rüdel was one of a kind and no-one will repeat his exploits ~E
Quite welcome and I complately agree. All he achieved and he was handicapped truely someone who deserves my full respect.
Ach du lieber Erich - Und du, der mann das hat zu mich schreiben das sie hatten viele, viele, intresse auf dem Luftwaffen militar historie, auch so weil senn onkeln oder etwas wahren Luftwaffen flieger, mit diesem Kreigsmarinen abzeichen fur sein "avatar"! Was ist loB mit das?!!!!!! Ihr, Wilhelm
Buff - Sorry to hear your helmet deal went south on you. Your right, Mr. Case is a great guy. Picked up a lot of stuff that you see in the photo's on the other thread here on mannequins from him. $250 though on that pot, not a bad deal. But, I understand too. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water just to pick up a piece of militaria. Sometimes it can be a terrible addiction, just ask my wife! Bill
Bill : Yes I know, I know........ Kriegsmarine S-booten mit Ju 88G-6....nicht gut ! doens't make much sense but the lower image may get put aside for a brief period, like a month to be replaced by a speedy S-100 series boot. The Schnellboote gents are very interesting to me and take second place to my Luftwaffe adherance so I thought I would change a few things for a short while..... withdrawls......arg !!! ~E