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Apology for excessive posting of photos

Discussion in 'Photographs and Documents' started by nachtjager61, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. nachtjager61

    nachtjager61 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    I apologize for the amount of posts with my photos, I am not a "post whore" or a dealer but I am not computer savey and being new to the forum I could not figure out how to get more than one photo into a thread or how to make a gallery. I apologize to all of you that have issues with this. When I did my intro some members asked my to post some photos and after many attempts at trying to figure out how to get a few into one post I failed to figure it out and ended up with a big headache. so I posted a few photos on seperate threads for those that had asked to see them. I did mention that I had albums that I was working on if anyone wanted to see more of the photos but after I posted a few some members asked me to post more. Since I did not know any other way to do it I posted more and I guess I got carried away with it. I mentioned that I have over 200 signed luftwaffe and U-Boat aces photos and was not going to keep posting them on the threads and that going to my albums would be the best way to see them and I hope some of you will enjoy the albums.
    So before anyone goes into a fit and accuses me of things that were not my intent I feel the need to apologize and let everyone know that I did not mean too upset any members I was just trying to satisfy some of the members that asked me to post more of the photos and I guess I went a little to far.
    once again I am sorry for taking so much of the threads and bandwith to help those that were interested to see my photos.
    this is my private collection, I am not a dealer and none of them are for sale, if anyone would like to see more of my collection please go to my albums which should be complete in the next couple of days
    once again I am sorry for violating any rules or policies of this forum and to any members that were offended by the excessive posting of my photos
    If any one is interested in seeing more please feel free to view my albums
    thank you for your understanding and considerations
    L Sutton
  2. macrusk

    macrusk Proud Daughter of a Canadian WWII Veteran

    Oct 14, 2007
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    I don't think that anyone would be upset with you for posting photos - we love photos!!

    However, to not run into limitations on the photos, go to the Gallery link in the greyed area at the top of the page near the login - there are several links to other areas of the Forum (or see Main Index - WWII Forums Gallery). When you choose upload photos, you will have a page showing your user ID and you can start sharing all you want!

    Thanks for sharing what you have.
  3. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    I think you got me wrong? I dont care how many postings anyone makes, what I was saying (in other words of course) is that wouldnt it be easier to have one thread with all the additional postings in it? Perhaps if you kindly ask a Mod like Skipper or someone to make your thread a sticky thread-that it would be easier to keep track of all your photos and such and that many who visit months from now-could also be able to share in viewing what you post.

    Also, my computer is at least 11 years old, and it takes forever to do anything-simple or not? Oh and, im a self-admitted "worlds worst computer dummy" and nobody is as bad as I am when it comes o these things.

    Best regards-Me.
  4. nachtjager61

    nachtjager61 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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    my computer skills are probably worse than anyones. in fact the only reason I even have one at home now is my work gave me one that they did not need anymore, then it sat at home for 4 months before I even got internet service. Even though i live in Seattle now and work half a mile from microsoft I am a true computer illiterate!!! I honestly tried for half a day to figure out how to post some photos without using one photo per thread and just got a huge headache trying to figure it out.
    anyway thank you all for bearing with me on this, I assure you I have no ill intent or motives for anything just a lot of ignorance on how to do these technical things and how to post photos and galleries and all that.
    thank you so much macrusk for the help it will save me another 3 days of headaches and you have helped me a lot by telling me how to post a gallery
    thanks and sorry everyone for the massive photo posting
    L Sutton
  5. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Heck, look at me, I cant even do multi quotes in a single post though several here have tried to teach me. The best I can do is to attach pics to emails but only if the pic are stored on my computer already.

    Anyway, I wa not intent on upsetting the apple cart, just wanted to see the pics in one thread because my computer is old and a piece of junk. Heck, I got this computer in sometime in 2006 and it sat in boxes for at least 2 years before they saw the light of day.

    Anyway, I still lay claim to be the worlds worst computer dummy ;-))

    PS, at least you canpost pics, I have to rely on good-natured people like Skipper, Julio and Ray, to post pics for me. Also, like I mentioned before, it does not matter to me at all at how many posts a person makes. If it takes 10,564 posts to post everything a person has? so be it.

    Best regards-C.
    sniper1946 likes this.
  6. sniper1946

    sniper1946 Expert

    Jun 11, 2009
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    Quote carl...Also, like I mentioned before, it does not matter to me at all at how many posts a person makes. If it takes 10,564 posts to post everything a person has? so be it.
    ..I'm with you on that statement carl..
  7. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    Man , don't apologize , I got a great kick for all those LW and KM signatures. Some I had never seen before.
  8. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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    An apology is not necessary nor expected. I'd rather you post those good pics than to not. We can always fix things and it is not the end of the world.

    Do you know how our skill at doing things on the computer improved? We made honest mistakes, also.

    Don't give it another thought and welcome to the forum.
  9. LRusso216

    LRusso216 Graybeard Staff Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    Lacey, I'll echo the others and my PM to you. No apologies are needed. I fixed it and replied to your PM about posting photos in a single post. Good luck and keep posting.
  10. brndirt1

    brndirt1 Saddle Tramp

    Jul 7, 2008
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    And my apologies as well, I was off base in the PM I sent. The reply in PM also carries my apology. Welcome to the forum, I should have done that right off the top. I see that our "Lou the Graybeard" has combined the posts, thanks to you Lacy for sharing. We do love photos here!
  11. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    I'd like to commend ya for taking the time to upload all those photo's! I'm anxious to see more. As far as I'm concerned, excessive posting is repetitive, redundant replies and yours is most definitely not.
  12. nachtjager61

    nachtjager61 Member

    Jun 11, 2010
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  13. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Thanks Ray ;-)) also, thanks again to Lou for making the single thread. At least I can view the stuff now W/O an act of God ;-))
  14. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    As Slipdigit said , things have been said, let's proceed now.

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