If we told you what it really is, well, we would have to kill you. But seriously, Area 51 is a top secret US Gov't facility that tests and developes new technologies. As for anything else, I think the Pentagon likes the mystery and tries to keep it going. It keeps the world guessing about how much does the US military really know.
What I want to know is what happened to Areas 01 - 50?? Scooped up by some Borg cube perhaps?? :smok:
AFAIK Area 51 is the unofficial name given to the Groom Lake Test Facility in Nevada where top secret activities are carried out probably consisting of testing new aircraft and propulsion designs.
Tonapah Water Conservation District Area 51 Been there, have photo of faded sign. road between Vegas and Death Valley, before you take the left.. Hwy 91? 99 what ever..
Allthough the government hasn't confirmed this , an object originating from the groom lake area (wasn't confirmed as an object either , it was something) was timed at 78,000 miles an hour between groom lake and southern california. Weird huh
If this area is really a testing area for top-secret, high-tech flying devices, then what other place is more likely to be thought of as having UFOs around it? After all, there are indeed unidentified flying objects soaring around this base if everything goes well! One might hope so, or else the US military budget is being squandered there. It's too easy to "see" things over an aviation technology development centre that is too top-secret to give out any details of what it does.
By who? With what? People in my experience do not generally go walking around, or even driving around with instruments capable of measuring bodies travelling at such speeds. Who measured it? Was any evidence recorded? Are you entirely sure they didn't miss a decimal place? Seriously 780.00 Mph is much less impressive, even 7,800.0 isn't that fantastic...
Well i dont know about the Groom Lake ones but British Geological Survey seismographs picked up something leaving RAF Machrihanish very very very fast a while back - at about the same time as Aurora was being speculated on. Then there was the incident in 1989 in Belgium in which several ground radars plus two intercepting F16's tracked a very fast moving triangular objetc which was also seen from the ground by about a thousand witnesses.
Yeah and the triangular object was reported in UFO magazine - with a mock-up photo of something supposedly seen by a professional photographer on his way to a job. My first thought was "why do a mock-up photo, if he's a professional photog why didn't he take shot?" 78000 mph - Mach 114????Aerodynamic heating might cause problems. Post-war UFO reports turned out to be meteors reported by people not taking accurate time readings, which gave the impression of phenomenal velocities...
Because by the time he's taken hs camera out of the case, checked the light readings, asked the UFO to move a bit to the left and smile... It's gone.
Well, that as well! But then, even a wee Cessna, flying fairly low, is off & out of camera range quite quickly. Military jets much more so. And if it is an experimental fast thing...
The problem is that if they say there's nothing going on (beyond standard "black" projects) there's still the lunatic fringe who insist that there's reverse-engineered flying saucers and the US government won't admit it....
You just can't prove a negative. (in terms of: there are no aliens, or there are no new species of fish left to discover, or Roel does not ever eat worms) (sorry Roel )
Yeah, I'm sure that was the only example you could think of right then and there. :angry: And I will not undergo an enema to prove it!