Sexy Beast Vanilla Sky Reign Of Fire I came out of both Sexy Beast and Vanilla Sky honestly feeling dumber, and Reign Of Fire is just all action, there is no believable factor behind it!!!
I dont know about the other two...but Reign of Fire was one of the worst movies I have seen in a long time. Hardly any dragon fighting, no element of realism, and worst-they jumped out of a chopper with nets...I never felt more like binge drinking than after i saw that. Another movie to stay away from: MIB2 It was a total dissapointment.
Certainly agree about 'Vanilla Sky'. I'm not really that thick ( ) but I'll admit I came out of the cinema saying 'What the heck was that about ??'.
I stayed away from them but, have you guys seen The Bourne Identity or Spiderman? I thought both were excellent. Ths Bourne Identity takes place in France, then Switzerland, then back to France. Excellent scenery and the guy who played Private Ryan in SPR was the guy named Bourne. Spiderman was very true to the origin of the character in his first appearance in Amazing Fantasy # 15. Very well done with Cliff Robertson as Uncle Ben, and Willam Defoe as The Green Goblin.--Very nicely done.
Carl-- I saw Spiderman too and liked it. I only hated the outfit of the green goblin and was dissapointed that Gwen Stacey didn't appear in the movie. The comic books are ok too. Every month I buy the Dutch version and I have lots of old ones from the 80's.
Hi Volkbert--I didnt care for the Goblins costume either. Also, last time I read a Spiderman comic book, he still used his web shooters that he had on his wrists, which took cartridges that he has spares of on his web belt.
I agree with your spiderman gripe. The green goblin was a gobblin, dammit!!! Not a guy in a suit of green armor! Other than that, preetty cool.
Wait a sec, Doc... the Green Goblin was Norman Osborne. He did that experiment thing in the comic book as well, as far as I can remember. I though it was just Norman wearing the goblin suit? On the note of good movies... not a recent one, but I picked up the collectors DVD of John Carpenter's The Thing... That has got to be one of the greatest sci-fi/horror movies ever! And J.C. one of the best directors as well. Any agreements, or is Crazy just being Crazy again?
Really? Hmm, I thought he changed into a goblin!! Then again, I was a little kid, so I guess I should go back and check!!!
Naw--he only wore a costume. On another side--"The Thing" w/ Steven McQueen, is a bigtime classic and my fav. About the onlt real more modern horror flick I can stand is a movie with Michael Caine called: "The Island". I especially like the end scenes when he gets to the captured Coast Guard vesel, spots a .50 cal MG, and wipes out the Pirates.
Norman Osborn wore a suit for sure. After Norman was defeated his son Harry took over and wore to costume to be the second green goblin.
Oh, my heart is broken!!! Well, not really, now I don't have any reason to gripe about the movie!! So, horror movies - any big fans (especially this time of year?) I like all the evil dead, dead alive, and just about any that have to do with zombies and any from the 50s. We've got a bar/pizza joint here that shows them all the time, and it's just about my favorite thing to do on a Sunday!!
The first Halloween is a pretty damn good horror movie (again, John Carpenter!). A little on the brutal side for my tastes, but still definetely worth a look. Doc, the zombie movies a fun, but a little too gory for me (day, dawn, and night of the living dead). Army of Darkness.. well, that's not really horror... I remember, WAYYY back in sixth grade or so, we watched a Disney movie- "Watcher in the Woods". Scary as HELL! I was young, but this one really creeped me out. (I know, I know- I'm ashamed to admit watching a disney movie, much less being frightened by it!)
I have not gone to the cinema since six months or so... but if I go to the Blockbuster some time, I am already warned about them... Thanks. Besides, I saw an advertisement about that one of the dragons and I immediatley said: "No, thanks!".
What's wrong with Vanilla Sky? I liked that movie very much, way better than Minority Report. "Memento" is fine, too. If you really looking for ??? movie, try "Mulholland Drive" or any other movie by David Lynch. Cheers,
I think Memento was interesting... but I think the director went too far with being interesting, if that makes sense. Memento IMO took a bit too much effort to follow! Grrr... so many good horror movies, none of which I can remember at the moment! not really horror, but I watched a bit of "Very Bad Things" last night. Any fans of dark comedy?