Good site with pics of heavily damaged B-17s that made it home. Battle-Damaged B-17 Flying Fortresses: Intro page
Excellent quality pictures, too bad the data is somewhat vague as to Missions and dates. Thank you for sharing.
It's amazing thoses kites made it home! I saw a picture of a Mosquito that had all it's outer skin burnt off-and survived.
Yikes ! I had to go to the Confederate Air Forces site for the crew/equipment layout of their B-17G, to see what machinery they lost and who (if they were at their station) had a bad day. The nose looks like a bad place to be, but if you ship goes down...where is a good place? Tough aircraft for sure.
Thanks Slipdigit! Cool post! The Confederate Air Force comes to San Marcos ocassionally. Love to see them coast in...
In the nose damage pictures, there is one named "Tinkerbell" and was mentioned a jinx ship. What is that? The pilot was said to have been decapitated. That had to have been a ghastly trip home for the co-pilot.
I'm guessing something happened to it that was supposed to bring bad luck to it and the crew. I guess sorta like changing the name of ship while it is still on the slip was considered by the crew to jinx the ship.
For once you have tasted flight you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skywards, for there you have been and there you will long to return. Leonardo Da Vinci I'm afraid I'd have to disagree with Mr Da Vinci... after picking through these flying fortresses... I'm sure our veterans tasting flight with death, would think otherwise. Jem