If you're interested in WWII and you like games, then you maybe interested in this: Battlestations:Midway is a historically accurate action/RTS game on the PC and 360 in which you control a fleet in the WWII Pacific Theatre. Along with dictating the strategy of attack, you also control fighters, heavy bombers, all number of warships and even subs in real time and get to blow the hell out of the opposition. If you've got gold membership on Xbox Live, have a look at the multiplayer demo now, a PC demo will be coming out shortly. If you’ve got any questions I’ll do my best to answer. You can find more details about the game on the official site: http://www.battlestations.net
Let me guess you work for the company. Seems like a decent game, I'll give it a look on my 360. Console gaming has typically not been the best platform for WWII gaming, PC multiplayer is where it's at in my opinion. Either way I'll give it a look... Peppy >>> wants to rule the world, virtually
Yes I do, I won't pretend otherwise It's worth a look though if you're interested in WWII games because it's realistic.
I just bought it. I suck at it and am not even past the tutorials. My Fuso goes Blub-Blub everytime so far. My PT (me) gets tired of shooting up landing craft. I don't know how to fire a torpedo yet. My P-40 barely stays in the air, much less causes any significant damage. Give me time to practice, and I'll give a better report.
I played the game, and it's really good. I love the mission where you have control of the Battleship Yamamoto and you blast the hell out of the two carriers. It's also very satisfying when (third level, I think) you are just about to die, but a looky shot hit's the enemy magazines. Reccomend it to anyone
Have to say I love this game. I still have and still play it. The sequel comes out later this year (general estimate suggests late April) and is looking like it could be even better. Hey Keir, what do I get from you for the free plug! Seriously though the new game does look like it has advanced and is not simply a cash making sequel like may be expected from some companies.
I play Battlestations midway, and I enjoy it. Its a solid ww2 game, considering its for a console. The thing that bothered me was the one mission early on in the American campaign when you are defending 'The Philippines' which is a small, circular island. I was hoping for a little more accuracy there
CGEVM. (Long initials...) Is't the Philippines a group of islands? Could be one of the minor outlying ones.
it is a group of islands, however you are tasked with defending against an invasion force... I understand my complaint is really fanboy-ish, I was just hoping for a Clark Field scenario or something. oh, and its just CvM
Some of my thoughts on the game (360 version) I think the concept is great. Very few games out there (none for a console) that allow you captain a single ship or squadron while still tasking yourself with damage control, firing, launching planes (carrier/airfield) all at once. Sub's - The oxygen capacity of the sub's are just horrible. Far to many times does my sub surface for air as I'm lining up to launch torpedoes. Airplanes - chaotic at best. One must spend a good deal of time adjusting controls to make your plane somewhat flyable. Airspeeds seem too slow as well and your plane constantly stalls out. Ships - Looks good. this is where the game picks up. A Fletcher class destroyer looks like it should. A battleship can spend all day fighting it out with any number of destroyers (as long as you dodge the torpedoes) while taking little to no damage. Fire Control - Seriously, I'm the captain of a ship. Who wants to stop sending orders to the rest of the fleet just to place one guy here, one there yada yada yada. This was greatly improved in the sequel. Also once your ship starts to flood, there is no way to pump out what got in. You can only stop additional flooding. Maps - Islands are far too small for what they are representing. Torpedoes - difficult to dodge them unless you practically watch the ship launch them. Even more difficult to hit the AI ships unless from point blank range. Historical accuracy - HAHAHAHA. unless they mean that there was a battle of Midway. Overall mikebatzel rating - 7 out of 10. This is being generous because of the original concept