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British tank crewman memoirs list

Discussion in 'WWII Books & Publications' started by larso, Sep 25, 2013.

  1. larso

    larso Member

    Aug 12, 2008
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    The following is a list of British Tank crew memoirs that I've compiled over the last few years. The ones in bold I've read and reviewed, the underlined ones I own and will get to at some point. Anyway, my question is, are there any that I have missed? Sorry about the gaps and things, I've had trouble formatting the page from my Word doc.

    Achtung! Minen! The Making of a Flail Tank Troop Commander by Ian C Hammerton (22nd Dragoons: Sword)

    Alamein to Zem Zem by Keith Douglas (Africa) Posthumous

    A Tankie’s travels by Jock Watt (3 RTR: France, Greece, Africa/Alamein, Italy)

    Armoured Guardsman by Robert Boscawen (1st Armd Bn Coldstream Gds – Normandy & beyond)

    Armoured Odyssey by Stuart Hamilton (8 RTR: Africa, Italy)

    Better than riches by Frederick Pile (???) 116pages

    Brazen Chariots by Robert Crisp (3 RTR: Africa)

    By Tank: D to VE Days by Ken Tout (1stNorthamptonshire Yeomanry, 33rd Armd Bde (Ind))

    By Tank into Normandy by Stuart Hills (Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry, 8th Armd Bde. (Ind))

    D-Day to Victory by Trevor Greenwood (9 RTR: Normandy to Germany) Diary

    In at the Finish by J. G. Smith (141st RAC: )

    From horses to Chieftans 1935 – 59 by Richard Napier (8th Hussars: )

    Flame Thrower by Andrew Wilson (141st RAC: Normandy, Holland, Germany).

    Mailed Fist by John Foley (107th RAC, 34th Armd Bde: Normandy, Germany)

    Sixty-four Days of a Normandy Summer by Keith Jones (2nd Northamptonshire Yeomanry, 11th Armd Div: Normandy)

    Tank Commander by Bill Close (3RTR?: France, Greece, Africa, N/W Europe)

    Tank Twins by Stephen Dyson (107th RAC, 34th Armd Bde: Normandy to Germany)

    To war with the Bays by Jack Merewood

    Troop Leader: A Tank Commander's Story by Bill Bellamy (8th Hussars, 7th Armd Div)

    A Soldier Remembers by Ronald A Tee (56th Recce, 78th Div: Tunisia, Sicily, Italy; Mt Cassino)

    For the Duration by Gordon Nisbett (1st Recce: Africa, Italy, Anzio)
    Otto likes this.
  2. LRusso216

    LRusso216 Graybeard Staff Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    That's quite a list. I'm sure others will chime in, though I can't add to it. Looks like you have some reading ahead of you.

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