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Discussion in 'Eastern Europe' started by sniper1946, Nov 21, 2010.

  1. sniper1946

    sniper1946 Expert

    Jun 11, 2009
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    Armored tractors

    Áðîíåòðàêòîðû. ×àñòü 3
    Bronetraktor which was produced in Kharkiv and armed with 45 mm cannon
    Original plan called for manufacture in August-September 1941, 750 HTZ-16. Bronedetali for them would deliver Novokramatorsky Engineering Works (NKMZ). The latter, in turn, received bronelisty (rent) from Mariupol to them. Illich in small quantities, which delayed the release of bronetraktorov. As a result, by the time of evacuation NKMZ - October 9, 1941 - the plant shipped in Kharkov only 100 sets of armor for the HTZ-16. Exact figures released bronetraktorov HTZ-16 author could not be found, but according to various sources,

    Heavy losses in tanks in the summer of 1941 forced the commanders of the Red Army to take immediate action. 20 July 1941 issued a decree of the National Defence N019 "On the screening of light tanks and tractors on the reservation." In accordance with this mass production bronetraktorov had deployed two plants: Kharkov Tractor (HTZ) and Stalingrad Tractor (FCZ). It was supposed to arm a tractor 45 mm tank guns and used as a self-propelled guns. Draft reservations tractors and all the documentation required for commercial production commissioned to develop a design bureau Panzer Division NATI. This KB has already had experience of similar works. In July 1941 it had complied with the setup project 37 mm anti-aircraft gun on the chassis of the tractor 1TMV. To the new engineers were involved NATI EG Popov, AV Sapozhnikov, VY Slonim, AM Cherepin. HTZ on this work group led by chief designer, MS Sidelnikov. To contact him several times NATI team traveled to Kharkov. In early August, NATI constructed four different sample bronetraktorov with 45 mm cannon on the basis of 1TMV, STZ-3, SHTZ-NATI (agricultural) and STZ-5 (Transport). After a short-term comparative trials for the production opted for on the basis of STZ-3. When booking a tractor chassis has been strengthened, and for a smooth stroke on it set the rubber-coated rollers and melkozvenchatuyu caterpillar tractors to transport STZ-5. The thickness of armor was 10-25 mm. In an armored cockpit, mounted on the spot the driver's cab mounted 45 mm tank gun with limited angles of fire. For defense in the melee inside the transported machine gun Degtyarev (DT or DP). When setting for mass production at KhPZ this machine received index HT3-16.
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