new medal = a Pickle who knows Carl may surprise us with something right out of this world do not fear I will overtake the leadership in a coup by shutting down their accounts for one year in a state of total confusion ~ actually he probably deserves this :
Actually Carl "retired" from the forums for about a year and a half and still is ahead of everyone else. He does not even have a home based internet ! Just think what he can do when he can stay home and post 24/7 Great going Carl ! Have a mex-tex shrimp cocktail and margrita or two !
Thanks to all of YOU Gents. If it were not for you guys, i'd have almost nothing to say. So we all share equall billing-and equality in postings. ;-)) Sorry I can't thank you guys more today for your kind words--be back tomorrow. Take care and best regards--Carl.
I find that hard to believe Carl. You have tons to say, in fact so much I can not keep up with all your posts. I am in the presents of greatness. Congrats on 13,000 posts.