Hey Anyone want to play Combat Missions: Barbarossa to Berlin through PBEM? I'd be up for a game. CMBB - for those of you who dont have it - is perhaps one of the best/most realistic wargames i have ever played. I actually stumbled upon it accidently, but it was well worth it. CMBB is the second game of a 3-game series. Beyond Overlord is the first - original - game and is also excellant. CM Afrika Corps is soon to be realised and covers the Med. Sea Area battles (aka Italy, Balkans, North Afrika etc).
Anyone know how to take a screenshot in game/where it saves the screenshot? I want to take a few of the PBEM Game i am playing so that i can make an AAR about it. Thanks.
Heh, I had the same idea, and grabbed a couple of shots. Not sure if there is an ingame screenshot feature, haven't found one yet. I used the Printscrn button, Alt+Tab and then pasted the whole thing into a image editor and saved it on the HD. Not very convenient though...
No in-game function for this; you have to do print screen and edit it in a suitable programme, as described above. Worth, as you will see from these photos albums: http://battlefieldsww2.50megs.com/cm_photos.htm
Thanks Going to try that out now. I play on a laptop, so some keys serve more then one function. guessing PrtSc means Print Screen. It worked! Sweet!
I pre-ordered Combat Missions: Afrika Korps which should arrive in the next week or two. In the meantime, i downloaded the CMAK Demo - the game is looking pretty awesome from that! two medium sized maps, 40+ turns. One based in Afrika (Operation Kuizland or something along those lines - basically the Afrika Corps catch the Americans with their pants down IRL - bit different in the game itself, great tank duel) and the other is based on capturing the Azzea (SP is definately wrong, but something like that) Bridge - one of the few remaining. Bad weather means no air planes until later on, and the germans (due to a listening post) know you are coming. hilly terrain leading up to the village/bridge, and the Krauts have Arty 'which has been giving our boys hell.' Pretty good missions for a demo!
I ordered CM:Afrika Corps late Wednesday night and I received it today!! I haven't had the opportunity to really get into it yet as the wife had other plans for me today, but I'll be checking it out later this evening....From first glance, it looks to be another fine addition to the CM series.
I got mine the day after it was officially released/shipped (i had pre-ordered it). only thing is, i had it delived to my house (instead of college) thinking that it would take 2 weeks to get here (like most things usually do) and i didnt want to risk being on break when it arrived. so i gotta wait 2 weeks till i can play it.... but thats a good thing, cus otherwise i wouldnt do any work, which is bad, especially with finals coming up. I did DL the demo though -pretty slick!
Just played the Marxdorf scenario for CMBB. Very tricky in the beginning. As the Russians, your T-34/85 M44's start off in a place where they have to go through a bottle neck. The only German Tank is a King Tiger (ahh!) and took out 4 of my tanks (reinforcements arrive periodically, read the Scenario briefing to find out what is happening). I finally managed to knock it out (for some reason it ignored this one T-34 and was shooting at Inf). So that Tiger-Killer went on, unopposed, to kill 29 Inf, and what amounted to 9 mixed-Halftracks. My leading Inf Platoon (who had ridden in with those T-34s) ammassed 40 kills and only lost 2 men. Pretty good - kept the Krauts from reaching my village, captured a few of them, and then had 5 T-34s and some APCs cornering off the other Halftracks, Trucks, and Panzergrenadiers (who surrendered shortly afterwards, ending the scenario).
Working my way through CM Afrika Korps, which is quite excellent, especially the desert scenarios. Some great tanks mods, and some minor improvements over CMBB - but a much more involved PC game that will not be to everyones liking. I hope to be adding some CMAK pages to my website soon. Thanks for signing my guestbook Mussolini!