I found this site by accident. Posts are made on the dates of the diary plus 70 years. Just started preparations for HUSKY (Sicily). Starts with sailing for TORCH. Photos too, not sure if they really relate to the text but seem about right. http://70yearsago.com/
In case anyone lapsed in their reading, this is an ideal time to return or just start. The 3d ID has just landed in Italy. http://70yearsago.com/september-20-1943-monday/ This quote from: Salerno: American Operations From the Beaches to the Volturno (9 September-6 October 1943) http://www.history.army.mil/books/wwii/salerno/sal-pursuing.htm
Good reading, Earthican. My father went into Salerno with the 900th AA. It's nice to read this information. You might find this booklet of interest. I own it, but you can read it online. http://www.lonesentry.com/fiftharmyaa/
There is also a PDF copy in the CARL Digital Library: 5th Army Antiaircraft, Salerno to Florence The cover looks rough, but the contents are in good shape. The veteran who owned it added a few personal comments, too.
Just landed at Anzio. Pretty amazing to read entries written between bombings. Also some pictures of destroyed Italian tanks. Did the German use Italian tanks for coastal defenses or could these pictures be from Tunisia or Sicily?