I don't know if anyone abroad has heard anything about the crisis currently developing in the Dutch government. The Prime Minister and most of his cabinet believe it necessary to send 1200 Dutch troops to a rather unruly province in Afghanistan, relieving a Canadian mission there. This mission also has the support of the largest non-governmental party, as well as the broad support of the Afghani people themselves. However, one party refuses to agree with the mission, and since this party is a minority in the coalition government the cabinet may eventually fall over this issue. It could be just a ruse brought on by the minority party to undermine the cabinet that has ignored their agenda for three years, trying to bring it to a premature end; or it could be the first serious Dutch "no" to further involvement in Asia. For the latter the moment to choose is odd, though; Afghanistan is currently under UN control, and the instigators of the regime change there (the US) have less and less to do with it. It's almost as if the alliance with the US is more strongly adhered to than the allegiance to the United Nations. What do you think?