Looks like a great site where you can get information to bother people who liked a film which you didn't!
Hi Ryan--if you dont mind--which movies did you send them on? I sent some for The Alamo, and two others with corrections on several others.
Some interesting stuff: The Dam Busters http://www.computing.dundee.ac.uk/staff/irmurray/dambust.asp Oops!: There are a small number of minor errors in the film: A series of shots of the Lancasters doing low flying practice finishes with three heading off into the sun ... but with the bombs already beneath the aircraft! In the scene where Wallis meets Gibson for the first time, but cannot tell him what the target is, there is a very large framed print of the Möhne Dam on the wall!
One has to make allowances sometimes, even in the very best films... 'Battle Of Britain' for instance. In a memorable scene, Goering's personal train arrives in the Pas-de-Calais. In the background, one sees some impressive mountains. Anyone here ever been mountain-climbing in North-West France ? ( I saw an interview with Director Guy Hamilton who smiled thinly when asked about this and explained that they just couldn't find a suitable train left in France in 1968 and anyway, they were filming in Spain so it was cheaper ! )