Yeah , i got the movie Gallipoli on VHS , and i want to know how to put it on my computer . How do i do it ?
You need atleast Video-In -plug in your graphic card in order to plug you VCR to you comp. And ofcourse you need proper software too. My advice: Buy Gallipoli on DVD and use it as source, you get much better quality. And you dont need to plug anything to you computer if you have DVD-drive in you computer.
From what I know, the allies first attacked the Dardanelles with only naval units trying to get trough to the Marmara sea. 13 british and 4 french battlships(Sufrren, Bouvet, Charlemagne and Gaulois) were involved in this operation. Later australian, new zealand, british and french troops landed on different points of the Gallipolli peninsula. Main goal of the operation was to relieve pressure from Russia. It was a very murderous campaign, from the 80.000 french troops send there, 27.000 were wounded or killed.
The naval attack accomplished nothing except to warn the Turks that something major was in the wind down in the Dardanelles. They reinforced the area and posted their best general, Mustafa Kemal, in command there. Kemal made certain that the Allied troops got a very warm reception when they landed. The amphibious assault itself was a disaster. Many troops were landed on the wrong beaches, none of the landings achieved its objectives, and the entire campaign bogged down into a trench stalemate. This was only ended when the Allies withdrew from the area several months later. Gallipoli is a classic case of a good plan being doomed by poor execution and faulty leadership.
Yeah, tell me about it! The look on Mel Gibson's face when he realized that he was too late to stop the attack was one of the best pieces of acting he's ever done, IMHO.
I guess I need to see this movie again. I wasn't too impressed by it when I saw it but I do know it has a very tragic story to tell, and obviously I can't remember very well how it was portrayed...