Yesterday many of the famous Regiments of Scotland became extinct! The legendary 'Ladies From Hell' , Black Watch, KOSB's, Argyll and Sutherland's,Royal Highland Fusiliers,Highlanders and the Royal Scots became the Royal Regiment Of Scotland. The Royal Scots (First of Foot) the senior British regiment of infantry, the oldest existing regiment in the world, formed in 1633 nick named 'Pontius Pilates Bodyguard have lost their famous badges and regimental history, the new badge posted below has already aquired the name of 'The Crucified Pussy', a bad move Mr. Gordon Brown.
Merlin: "That just ain't right"... to end such a storied and gloried military tradition. My hat is off to all the lads who served, and gave their all. Tim--who would fight for a bottle of 16 yr old Lagavulin Islay single-malt scotch whiskey.
Welcome to the modern way of military organization! The Canadian Army, Navy and Air Force lost all of our traditions, customs and even uniforms when one Mr. Hellyer decided they could all be combined into the Candian Armed Forces. Lets not forget the demise of the Canadian Airborne Regiment either! Side Note: Canadian Armed Forces sounded too aggresive for our politicians so they drop the Armed. Now were just the Canadian Forces. I do feel for those regiments! Such history and traditions completly whiped out by one stroke of the pen... So sad...
Remember, this is the "merger of mergers", for example the Highlanders was only formed about 10 years ago from the Gordons, Seaforths and Camerons. I think each original regiment from the Highland and Lowland Divisions (remember when the British Army was that size?) is about a company in the new "regiment". One day the politicians are going to find out that when you destroy the spirit of a regiment, you destroy the main reason why soldiers fight. A sad day indeed..... Tom "Ninety Twa, nae deid yet!"
:angry: The 'smiley' says it all. :angry: :bang: bloody polititians.... :bang: And the English translation: "Ninety-Two, not dead yet"
Would that I had a wee drop of Drambuie, I'd drink one for the lads. 'Tis a shame, indeed. Are they going to allow any vestiges of their past history? Different kilts? Different backing on their beret badges? SOMETHING?????? Feckin' politicians. The screw you any way they can in peacetime, physically, morally, psychologically, then expect you to do their dirty work for 'em when diplomacy fails! I can't write what I'm really thinking. I'd get banned... :angry: :angry: :evil:
the lost Regiments When this merger was originally planned it was promised that the Regiments would keep their badges, this is now not true, I think, I have read somewhere that the regiments will wear their own tarten patch behind the new badge but I'm not sure, and I believe the Regimental Kilts will go. My own Regiments have been down this road before, I served with both the 'Queens Bays' and '1st'Kings dragoon Guards', in 1959 these two amalgamated to become the '1st.Queens Dragoon Guards', wearing the Hapsburg Eagle cap badge of the KDG and the collar and sleeve badges of the Queens Bays. It has taken many years and deaths of old soldiers for the 1st.QDG's to become the famous and proud Regiment it is today. It is difficult to explain what it means to have served under a certain cap badge, the comradeship and the family, if you see anyone wearing your badge on a blazer or beret you go and talk. Unless you have served as this it is difficult to understand, and Mr. Brown doesn't!
what is the rational for this type of thinking? the pols surely gave some theory was it to save money,is it intended to stop interregimental rivalry? here in the usa there is a lot of infighting between the branches,funding ect..the war between the japanese army and navy was a great help to us in defeating them,no doubt this bickering cost us some lives too..
regiments What better way to reply to the 'Woody' posting than this, a quote from 'Young Man in a Tank' by the late Group Captain Pat Hennesey (Cpl. tank commander, 13/18th. Hussars. D.Day landings). "An Armoured Regiment is indeed a family which supports, sustains and occasionally chastises its children, but to belong to it is a much cherished privilege. Strangely, the awareness of this increases with the years and the band of brotherhood forged by service under a particular cap badge lasts a life time. THIS PHENOMENON IS NOT GENERALLY UNDERSTOOD AND IS AT TIMES REDICULED-BUT, ONLY BY THOSEWHO HAVE NOT HAD THE GREAT GOOD FORTUNE TO HAVE EXPERIENCED IT."
Tis a sad day....though the Singapore Armed Forces doesn't have a long tradition,but i do understand the feelings coming that i still serve in the army myself....having been transferred to the new Medical corp...i still miss my old company and our camaradie
james jones ,a soldier , wrote a great novel about the pre war army in hawaii [25th inf dads unit in viet nam ,as well] was mde into a first rate movie as well' from here to eternity'.....a third book 'whistle' deals with the wounded guys fron the same outfit ,convalecsinig in a stateside veterans hospitale .....the only news these guy are remotely intrested in is new from their old rifle company,still in the line,,,they consider sailors,marines and airmen to be enemies and civillians to be beyond contempt..guys that served with them in the old company achive near sainthood if dead,even though in life they were shunned .when the old salts learn that baby pvts who they remember as shivering in fear and pissing their pants.,are now the top sgts running the company , they shake their heads in disbelif...the snot nosed leut that always had his map upside down is now a lt col....impossible .the old sweats realize soon enough that the old company B no longer exists,if they could return to the line ,nowbody in b co.would even know who they were...guys who re upped to return to there old units in viet nam ,faced the same ugly suprise,wounds ,transfers and rotations home had made the old unit unrecognizable.
i was merely makeing an observation about us silly is almost imposible to return to ones good old re4giment,platoon or wife still pines to return to a job she had in the mid 80s...when i point out that her old boss is dead ,the store has been sold to new owners,[ 3 times over now] and all of her old coworkers are long scattered to the four winds,it only makes her more unhappy...[btw ..there was plenty of complaining about this same job when it was a daily grind ]who was it that said "you can never really go back home"...
regiments Woody, it is evident that you haven't a clue about what I have written, Tom has, the last sentance of my posting re 'THIS PHENOMENON IS NOT GENERALLY UNDERSTOOD' etc. is what it is all about, and you haven't got it! Our Regiment was formed in 1685, the lads in it today are as good as the lads who fought in WW2, we 'Old Farts' get invited back to the regiment when ever it is possible, not so often these past few years as they are usually too busy sorting out someone elses mess somewhere!