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Got ome more info regading a few of my Combat photo and such.

Discussion in 'Photographs and Documents' started by C.Evans, Feb 19, 2010.

  1. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Ive finally got more info regarding a few of my Combat photos and photos with those Army Flak Halftracks.

    The Combat photos was taken shortly after the start of Barbarossa (as Skipper correctly felt that these could have been) ;-)) One of those Army Flak vehicles pics was aken just days before Barbarossa began and the other -the one thats guarding a bridge somewhere in Russia-turns out that the bridge they are guarding, was one of the Narwa Bridges. The Combat pics are date witin a few days of each other.

    Ill be updating the photos thread with the better info hopefully on Saturday.

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