Hello history buffs, Next year, the whole world is commemorating the 70 years end of WW2. There are not many eye-witnesses anymore, who can tell us, what cruelties happened then. So many stories, that are unknown so far. I am a German historian and work together with a great artist on a graphic novel with true personal stories of WW2. Incredible stories, that were never told cause of fear and shame. But they help us to understand. We interview the last living witnesses. There are already five episodes emerged. From the outbreak of war in Gdansk, from Bromberg Bloody Sunday, D-Day and the U-boat war. The comic will appear in German and English. Many international media have reported. But we only can realize this extensive project, if we achieve a minimum funding via crowdfunding (18.000 Dollars). While we have 200 supporters from all over the world, but there are still missing about 6 thousand US dollars! And there are only 7 days left. Failing the sum of all investors automatically get their money back, but the graphic novel can not arise. It would be so incredibly sad if these important fates of our grandparents' generation can not be told and preserverd for posterity. Hence my request, for all those who are interested in the Second World War, in the tragedies of our ancestors and who love great art and historical facts, please help us to realize the project all together. You can buy different editions of Grossväterland or exciting extras and make Grossvterland this way possible. Please have alook at our hompepage, read the first episodes and get all information! http://grossvaeterland.com Examples: http://www.grossvaeterland.com/category/artwork/ I attached a One Pager for you as well!
2 x 3 macht 4 - widdewiddewitt und 3 macht 9e ! Ich mach' mir die Welt - widdewidde wie sie mir gefällt ... Hey - Pippi Langstrumpf hollahi-hollaho-holla-hopsasa Hey - Pippi Langstrumpf - die macht, was ihr gefällt. ... Doc Harding will understand!
I hope that everybody who considers donating to that "project" will take the time and read "The Causes of the War" first!