This seems to be some kind of commemoration or history book on WWII but I cannot read Russian. Anyone know if this is anything or worth anything? picture upload sites
Hi Red Star, I have made several translations in the past and will be glad to help once again. I will try when I have time. Cheers
It's a book about Soviet Guards. There's a Guard badge picture on the cover of your book. 2nd picture talks about 4th Guard Army. 4th picture says "from Stalingrad to Vienna" and then "Battle path 'something' Guard Army". There's a lot more but let's not forget that Sloniksp actually knows Russian unlike me so let's wait him for the real answers.
From the little I understand , this is a 1945 edition from a state editor which tells the 1941-1945 campaign . It should be interesting to find out who are the 3 officals who signed the foreword (dating from 1944 by the way, so before the war was even over) . Also the books seem to have been offered to some soldiers after it was personalised for them. Slon will probably confirm this is a chronical of a guard regiment .
Now that you mention those signatures I managed to identify a few of them. 2nd picture: Left signature-Hero of the Soviet Union, Guard General-Lieutenant Zahvataev Right signature-Member of Military Council of the 4th Guard Army, Guard General-Major Dmitri Shepilov, there's even a wikipedia page about him 3rd picture: Left signature-Commander of 4th Guard Army, Guard General-Lieutenant Galanin Upper right signature-Member of the Military Council, Guard General-Major Gavrilov Lower right signature-Member of the Military Council, Guard General-Major Semenyov
Ok, it seems that i am the one who can help a lot since this book is in Russian and i am Russian as well. This book is an unique commemorative gift to Guard Colonel Alexander Medvedsky who served in 4th Guard Army.its said that this book is given to this person due to his decent combat perfomance. 1st photo - front cover of the book with GUARD USSR insignia. 2nd photo - brief description of glorious warpath of 4th Guard Army with special dedication to Alexander Medvedsky and sign and stamps of 4th Guard Army commander, Lt. General Zahvataev (bottom left) and member of War Council of 4th Guard Army Major-General Shepilov (bottom right) 3rd photo - the charter which was awarded to Alexander Medvedsky due to his tremendous efforts, help and success in troops supply organization. Stamps and signs of army commander Lt. General Galanin (bottom left) and members of War Council Gavrilov and Semenov (bottom right) 4th photo - title page stating For our Soviet Motherland! From Stalingrad to Vienna Combat path of N- Guard Army (not sure what this N means though, doesn't make any sense in Russian, seems to be some sort of mistyping) Active army 1945 5th - Stalin 6th - List of people who took part in creating and editing of this book 7th - random page of the book with some combat info of 4th Guard Army (very expressive text to be honest, with huge propagandistic and motivational lean) with picture of destroyed german tank next to village Viertiachevo in november 1942 (bottom left) and photo of scout Sinchenko who was the first to enter village Viertiachevo killing 60 germans during the combat (top right) 8th photo = 1st photo If you need any detailed translation of any photo - please let me know, i will be glad to help.
Thank you to Novak, YugoslavPartisan, and Skipper. I appreciate your hard work. My last question on it is, do you think it has any real monetary value or more something that is too personalized to have any significant value?
RedStar, Its a definitely unique thing but i do not think you can earn a fortune from it. I will specify why below Check the 2nd photo. its a typed paged, made at sorta typography but the name of this Colonel is handwritten. Why? because its not a single copy, it seems to be a one of many similar commemorative books issued to the members of 4th Army with only one difference - the name and rank of the person the book was 'assigned" to. So i believe there were hundreds if not thousands of similar books since Soviet goverment was keen to publish commemorative books throughout the whole USSR existence. I am not a pro in book value estimation but still this is my opinion. May i ask where did u get if from?
Thank you for the info. I bought it from an estate of the Russian Colonel with a large collection of medals militaria, too many things to list here but I will post some other items that I am unsure about. The family is not interested in keeping the collection. They are actually Ukrainian. I believe at one time he was a supply officer so you can imagine he had collected quite a few items. I even have the Order of Lenin. I have his award books and papers, pretty much everything from a long military career.
I had this lot for sale on eBay but took it off. I may relist for sale one day. I really didnt want to break up the collection because it all comes from the same person.