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History Channel vs History Television?

Discussion in 'WWII Films & TV' started by DarkEdge, Nov 17, 2020.

  1. DarkEdge

    DarkEdge New Member

    Mar 2, 2020
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    I'm a little disappointed with the History Channel these days. There are some very good programs, but I've recently seen shows covering the Twinkie, some program about furniture and most recently a show about Salt! I mean seriously a show about Salt, how far they have fallen! Does anyone else in the US see this trend of the History Channel going to the dogs, or is it just me https://trackeasy.fun/usps/ https://showbox.tools/?

    Compared to the quality programming on canada's History Television I'm even more dissappointed with The US versions. Does anyone else who has access to both networks think one is better than the other?
  2. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    I find it rather funny how when I was a kid how I used to hear how the Germans had the best soldiers and tanks and now historians say the Soviets had the best armor. I also remember some show talking about the super tanks and that they were destroyed to prevent capture a couple of years ago I was watching something that mentioned a maus on display in a Russian tank museum, I was what. So I looked it up and it said Soviet forces captured the factory and the prototypes had been destroyed or attempted to. One the hull was blown out but the turret intact the second had damage but was fairly intact they took the chassis and the intact turret and restored the exterior and tada. I'm disappointed that the British captured the E100 and decided to turn it into scrap it was a unique piece of history that should have been in a museum. I read recently that a T28 that was in storage was taken out for restoration and to be moved to a tank museum. That's one big monster. Some company make it in my Scale maybe I'll get one.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2021
  3. Prospero Quevedo

    Prospero Quevedo Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2021
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    Actually I haven't I rarely watch regular programming and watch historical show's on YouTube so I can view at my leisure. I've watched the six day war and the Golan heights bunches and most of the rest of the series. Also found streaming for old classic movies and watched most of the old john Wayne war movies and go for broke and others.

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