I read that Hungary was developing a new tank and assault tank during the war but that the prototypes were destroyed during an air raid. Does anyone have any info, pics, or LDs of these vehicles?
No, I have no knowledge of this. As far as I know, Hungarian armoured development was: Turan I, II & III (a family of tanks based on the Czech T-22) The 40/43M Zrinyi assault gun (based on the Turan) The 38M Toldi (a licence built version of the Swedish Landsverk L-60 light tank) The 40M Nimrod (AA tank based on the 38M Toldi) All of which saw combat. Romania, on the other hand, developed the potentially excellent Maresal, a Hetzer-type Tank Destroyer based on the Russian T-60 chassis. Its development was stopped by the rather inconvenient arrival of the Red Army.
Panzerman mentioned it a while back, check this link: http://www.fun-online.sk/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4392
Simonr1978, those are the tanks. The Tas series looks like they could have given Ivan a major headache.
What makes you say that? Try to give a reason with you posts rather than just blanket statements if you wish to be taken seriously, in any case based on the prototypes it appears that the Tas would have far from sucked.
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