Hi guys, sorry for the delay but had to go visit my dad who is ill with lung cancer at the moment so a bit behind... but here is some stuff to get your teeth into. First off is the rough draft of an Intoductory Pack... Briefing Pack Description Initial National Introduction A brief section detailing the overall situation that the nation finds itself at the start of the campaign. This will aim to give you a complete appraisal of the nations status at the beginning. Political Introduction This while give a run down of the current political situation, popular support and the general feeling of your nation towards your policies and the state of your own political systems. It will also include the following attributes which will be graded as follows: Political systems ? Unoperative, inefficient, poor, adequate, efficient, excellent Popular Support ? Anarchy, civil disturbance, unpopular, neutral, popular, patriotic, fervour For example, The Third Reich at the start of the game has the following Political Attribute Ratings (PAR); 1. Political Systems ? Adequate 2. Popular Support ? Patriotic These grades will change as the game progresses and the idea of the grades is to give you some idea of the functioning levels of political opinion during play. The attributes of all the factors will thus give an overall appearance of the nations state during the game. It will also provide the first Budget Rating (BR). This is the percentage of budget dedicated to political spending. The Third Reich has a BR of 10% at the start of the game. Military Introduction This will give a brief introduction to the state of the military, its development, its morale and its combat performance. It will aim to give you an idea of the capabilities of the military power at your disposal. It will also provide you with the following Military Attribute Ratings (MAR); Army Morale ? Broken, poor, satisfactory, good, superb Army Performance ? Poor, unadequate, adequate, good, excellent Navy Morale ? As above Navy Performance ? As above Air Force Morale ? As above Air Force Performance ? As above These will then give you an at the glance idea of your military abilities during the game and they will change as the campaign continues. Great Britain starts with the following MAR; Army Morale ? Good Army performance ? Good Navy Morale ? Good Navy Performance ? Excellent Air Force Morale ? Good Air Force Performance - Good You will also have the following Budget Ratings; Army Navy Air Force The percentage will cover all areas, such as training, research and recruitment, everything but industrial output. Economic Introduction This section will briefly cover your industrial output, covering what you can make, what you lack, man-power and rationing. This will hope to easily and quickly simulate economic factors. This has the following Industrial Attribute Ratings (IAR); Research ? none, poor, adequate, good, excellent Foodstuffs ? as above Military ? as above Civilian ? as above Oil ? as above This section includes the following Budget Ratings; Investment Facilities Distribution Home Affairs Introduction A brief section covering the events at home, covering policing, counter-espionage, national sentiment and other rumours and events that may or may not be of issue. Foreign Affairs Introduction The final section covers the foreign affairs, this discusses troop placements, spies, rumours from abroad, diplomatic correspondence and anything going on abroad that may be of interest. Your orders should refer as much as possible to the set out headings above. You will then receive a set of reports relating to the above headings as a response to your orders. This will be within a two week framework, so you will have sometime to sort out what you want to do. Next up are various items from the previous game, first an article from the Times... The Times of London September 15th 1939 Yesterday morning, Parliament called for the present Government to stand down and allow the forming of an all-party wartime Coalition, during this dangerous crisis. The new Coalition War Cabinet met for the first time this morning. Chamberlain remains Primeminister, with Winston Churchill becoming Defence Minister; Lord Alexander becomes First Lord of the Admiralty. The Air Minister is now Mr. Trevor Sinclair, and Sir Anthony Eden heads the War Office. Resident in the Home Office is now Mr. Gordon Morrison and Chancellor of the Exchequer is taken over by Sir David Anderson. Following Eden?s departure the Foreign Office is to be under the able guidance of Lord Halifax. The final change is that Field Marshall Alan Brooke will become Chairman of the Chiefs-of-Staff Committee. The first actions of the Coalition are the creation of several new ministerial positions needed in the present crisis, to maintain British strength and both diplomatic and military muscle. Mr. Tony Philips Dalton becomes the Minister for Economic Warfare, Lord Beaverbrook becomes Minister for Aircraft Production and Lord Leathers becomes Minister for War Transport, while Admiral Peter Gilmore becomes Minister for Shipping. Major Sebastian Nelson takes the new post of Minister for Operations. The Coalition has also formed two new committees, the Security Committee chaired by Lord Swinton and the Defence Committee chaired by Winston Churchill. It is hoped that this new Government will bring Europe back to the fold of peace and security from the clouds of war that gather over Eastern Europe. Next is a communique between the U.S. President to the Soviet Premier... <TOP SECRET COMMUNIQUE TO RUSSIAN HEAD OF STATE> In response to your withdrawal from the Finnish borders, I hereby order the return of all Soviet stock, holdings and other monetary investments, currently held within US jurisdiction. The return of these commodities will commence exactly three weeks from the date of this communique, so long as your military forces remain within your territories, and no military action is taken against the sovereign state of Finland. I must warn you, premier, that the US has undertaken to deploy members of her armed forces to the area, and ANY action that results in the loss of American life, will result in retaliatory military action, of unlimited extent. In reaction to your handing over of the submarine commander, responsible for the order of the sinking of USS Mary Forbes, I welcome your straightforward and swift answer to this terrible action. In response to this, there will be no action, nor retaliation taken by the US. I must forewarn you that the US government will be prosecuting the case, pursuing the death penalty, in reaction to the loss of some 200 US citizens. The trial will be held immediately, to get this awkward matter dealt with and behind us as soon as possible. If you was wondering the poor unfortunate Sub commander 'shot himself' before he could be sent to the States, next is a letter from the British to the Germans... September 15th 1939 To The German Foreign Office Sir, The British Government wishes to suggest the following be considered to aid an immediate cease-fire and the peaceful resolution of the crisis in Poland. This communiqué has the backing of France, Poland, Belgium and the support of the A.A.N.T member States. To aid in a peaceful resolution to the present crisis, the British Government, has secured the follow concessions from allied nations. Following an immediate German cease-fire from Midnight on the 2oth September the following will become articles of negotiations at talks aimed to end the war in Poland. Ø The returning of the ?Polish Corridor? to Germany and hereby dissolving the Versailles Treaty and all contained therein. Ø The port of Glydnia to remain a Polish port. This will allow Polish access to the Baltic and the maintenance of the Polish Navy. Germany will allow free access across Prussia to allow the free movement of Polish foreign trade. Germany will secure favorable trade relations with Poland to lessen the likelihood of future war. Ø The lifting of the Royal Navy blockade of Germany. The Royal Navy will remain in the Baltic to safeguard all maritime vessels from unexpected attack in the area. The Royal Navy will operate from Denmark and wishes to secure the use of the Kiel Canal from Germany. Ø Poland will immediately remove all Soviet Union Forces from its territory and troops will move away from the German border to Poland?s eastern provinces. France will maintain an Air Force presence until the Polish air force has been fully modernised. France will stand down 30% of its mobilised manpower and cease any military action towards Germany. Ø Poland also agrees to receive all refugees from Germany. Poland also agrees to freely allow anyone who wishes to travel to Germany to do so. All military prisoners to be returned to their native country. Ø Germany to pay Poland 3,000,000 Reichmarks in war indemnity. This may be paid in the form of trade surplus or modernisation grants. Ø Signing of the North Atlantic & Baltic Non-Aggression Pact (NABNAP) between Great Britain, France, Germany, Poland, Belgium, Holland, Spain and the Scandinavian Alliance. Ø The assurance of all nations to abide by nature of pact and not become involved, by any means, in any conflict on a side opposing to a pact member. This pact will act from a Coalition Headquarters in Copenhagen. Its role will be to define the course of the Coalition over matters of mutual trade and conflict. Ø Switzerland has promised to unfreeze all German assets and return them at pre-war value. Ø Great Britain concedes to Germany?s wish for an oceanic navy. Britain hereby allows the Germany Navy to construct vessels other than for coastal defence. This removes the maritime clauses of the Versailles Treaty and the British will not hamper any naval build up. Ø The Alliance also wishes to apologise for the civilian deaths caused in the recent ?Punishment Raids? conducted in reprisal for German attacks on Polish targets. If Germany abides by the above and follows a peaceful strategy in Northern Europe then no further raids will take place. Ø All signed countries will recognize and stand-by any peace brokered on the above suggestions. Yours Sincerely, Winston Churchill, Minister for War. Now some political annoucements from one of the turns, these were recieved by all players each turn... Political Announcements for September 7th France ? The Nation of France Hereby Declares War on the German Nation for their unprovoked bombing of Poland. France holds the right to aid Poland in any way it sees fit and calls on all other lawful states to show their condemnation of Germanys hostile act. Poland ? Poland will resist until the bitter end against any violation of her territory and will not give in to fascist domination. Poland calls upon its Allies to show solidarity against the evils of Germany. Spain ? Due to the worsening situation in Finland, unless the Soviets withdraw their ultimatum, then Spain will send 2,000 troops to help in the crusade against communist aggression. Franco has also joined Mussolini in calling for a ?united Fascist response to Bolshevism?. Italy ? Mussolini has praised Franco?s pledge to aid Finland and has announced that he too will deploy a division of ?Alpini? troops to Finland alongside the Spanish should the Soviets fail to stand down. He has also called on Hitler to denounce the Soviet aggression. Belgium ? Belgium has stated that it stands ?shoulder to shoulder? with France against German militarism, and will begin mobilisation of its armies. Holland ? Holland has called for a European Peace Conference to be held in Zurich, to attempt to defuse the worsening situation and stop Europe entering another war. Switzerland ? The Swiss government has announced that any country, which invades another, will have all bank accounts frozen until the cessation of hostilities. They also commend the United States actions against the U.S.S.R and Germany in seizing national assets. Finland ? The government in Helsinki has welcomed any international help that it received and wishes to propose the Allied Arctic Nation Treaty. This is outlined as follows; 1. The AANT nations will comprise the following international states; · Finland · Norway · Sweden · Denmark · Greenland · Iceland · United States of America · Canada (Pro Rata the British Empire) 2. These nations will involve together in the following activities within th Arctic Theatre and any other regions it sees fit and befits the Alliances national commitments and agreements; · Oceanic security and Coastal security and Ground security · Formation of an international Allied Arctic Combat Team (AACT) · Formation of Scandinavian United Military Division, the Viking multi-role Task Force. · Beneficial trade agreements and removal of import duties between Allied nations · Cross-training facilities constructed for brigade integration and Arctic warfare schools at Helsinki, Anchorage and Stromfjord · Integration of Nations air cover to move toward total air superiority in national air-space 3. The Division Viking is provisionally envisioned to compose of the following; · Finish 23rd Infantry Regiment ?Valmet?, with one battalion of Ski Troops, one battalion of Combat Pioneers and one battalion of Infantry. · Norwegian 10th Mountain Regiment ?Edelweiss?, with three battalions of Mountain Troops. · Swedish 3rd Infantry Regiment ?Gustavus Adolphus?, with one battalion of Motorised Infantry, one battalion of Bicycle Troops and one battalion of Infantry. · Norwegian 2nd Battalion of the Royal Norway Mountain Artillery Regiment. · Swedish 3rd Battalion of the Swedish Guard Artillery Regiment. · 1st Company of the 2nd Battalion Danish Royal Lifeguards (this is a recce formation). · 2nd Company of the 1st Battalion Swedish Guard Artillery Regiment (this is an anti-tank formation). · 1st Pioneer Company from the Danish Royal Grenadier Guards. · 2nd Squadron Swedish 1st Tank Regiment (comprising six Stridsvagn M/31 L10, two Stridsvagn L-60 and one Stridsvagn L-100). · The unit will have available the following naval vessels for its operational deployment. From Norway, the Norwegian Royal Navy Ship (N.R.N.S) Oslo (Destroyer), N.R.N.S Erikson (Armed Trawler) and N.R.N.S Odin (Transport Vessel), also the 2nd Battalion Norwegian Royal Navy Marines will provide security for all the vessels. From Finland, the Navy of Finland Vessel (N.F.V) Klondhide (Armed Icebreaker) and N.F.V Norsk (Armed Icebreaker. From Sweden, the Royal Sweden Navy (R.S.N) Keeble (Transport Vessel), N.F.V Goteborg (Transport Vessel) and N.F.V Gotland (Seaplane Carrier). Denmark will provide the Danish Royal Fleet Ship (D.R.F.S) Aarhus (Battleship), D.R.F.S Andersson (Submarine) and D.F.F.S Copenhagen (Supply/Tender Vessel). · The formation will have the following attached air formations, to provide air security and air support. A flight from the Finnish Airforce comprising four Fokker C.X, two Blenheim I and two Bristol Bulldogs, plus one He 115. Norway will contribute a flight comprising four Fokker C.V and eight M.F.11. Finally the Danish flight will contain six Hawker Nimrod aircraft. 4. This formation will act as an international and regional expeditionary force and has begun preliminary mobilisation as off 06/09/1939. This formation will initially be constructed under the guidance of Field Marshall Mannerheim in the area of Helsinki. Norway ? Announces its praise for Finland?s treaty plans Sweden ? After much discussion the government of Sweden has decided to back the recent Finnish treaty proposals. Sweden also wishes to relieve fellow Scandinavian nations of all import duties and will strive to reduce material costs to subsidise industrial development. Denmark ? Denmark hereby declares the completion of its mobilisation and announces that this is to conduct military exercise designed to simulate territorial defence of Denmark. This will include contingents from France, Sweden and Norway. Greenland ? Welcomes the announcement of the A.A.N.T proposals. Iceland ? Welcomes the A.A.N.T proposals. Mexico ? Announces that it has laid great trust at recent American proposals and hopes this will lead to a ?bond of American comradeship?. It also wishes to broker any Finnish-Soviet Peace negotiations to avert military conflict. Japan ? The Japanese have announced the continuation of their campaign in China and asserts that it is attempting to quell the recent civil war and stop the spread of fighting. It also wishes to meet with the U.S.S.R and discuss a negotiated peace for Manchuria despite the recent propaganda emanating from the soviets. It also condemns the recent sinking of the U.S.S Mary Forbes and is willing to help to investigate the disaster and bring the ?barbaric murderers of the innocents to justice?. Hungary ? Hungary hereby enacts clause six of its parliamentary constitution and declares war on Yugoslavia for the recent border incursions. Since 0600 hours yesterday morning, Hungarian forces have pushed into Yugoslavia and are advancing towards Agram. Rumania ? Due to the recent border violation of Hungary by Yugoslavia and the commitments of the Tripartite Balkan Pact, Rumania hereby declares war on Yugoslavia due to its aggressive violation of Hungarian territory. Rumanian forces are making steady progress in their advance towards the capital, Belgrade. Bulgaria ? Due to the aggression of Yugoslavia and fear for Bulgarian security, alongside the Tripartite Balkan Pact agreements, Bulgaria hereby pronounce war on Yugoslavia. Bulgarian forces have moved to secure certain areas of territory to maintain Bulgarian independence from Yugoslavian aggression. Troops are advancing towards the regional capital of Uskub. Yugoslavia ? Since 0300 hours yesterday morning Yugoslavia has suffered a violent assault from three aggressors, Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria. National forces are heavily engaged and have been forced to withdraw to more suitable tactical locations. Yugoslavia appeals for help from Europe in the face of planned, unprovoked, barbaric aggression by an alliance of three dangerous imperialistic nations. Greece ? Hereby the nation of Greece declares full military mobilisation and calls for a ?response from other peaceful nations to the crisis of Balkan stability?. Its has announced that its troops will deploy in the border region with Bulgaria and call for the immediate end to all hostilities in the region. Turkey ? Turkey is immediately mobilising its military forces and will deploy troops around Istanbul to maintain the security of access to the Black Sea. The ships of the Turkish navy are to move to blockade the ports of Bulgaria and Rumania in response to their unwarranted assault on Yugoslavia. This blockade will continue till hostilities cease. Following this is an article from the German war reporter, Otto Klinker... Drive into the Balkans SS Soldiers pose on the defences of the Sivori Line German troops yesterday pushed deeper and deeper into Yugoslavian territory. Rumanian forces, led by a Fallschirmjager assault, re-captured the town of Dubrovik littering the area with wrecked tanks and dead Soviet soldiers. Yugoslavian resistance is crumbling in the face of German and Italian assaults all along the frontline. Our troops have destroyed Yugoslavian defences and our Fallschirmjager have shown their worth in combat, destroying several tanks in close assault, including a new Soviet model. This vehicle was dispatched with ease by the soldiers, showing the inferiority of Soviet equipment. Fallschirmjager Attack! The original article came with photos which kinda finished it all off. Next some info requested by the Fuhrer on the expansion of the Waffen-SS... To: The Fuhrer. From: Gruppenfuhrer Paul Hausser, RHSA HQ, Berlin. RE: Expansion of Waffen-SS. At the present time the Waffen-SS consists of the following organised combat force; Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler * SS-VT formations are; Standarten Deutschland * Standarten Germania * Standarten Der Fuhrer * Totenkopfverbande formations are; Standarten Oberbayern Standarten Brandenburg Standarten Thuringen Standarten Ostmark * Standarten Danzig (at the present time this is POW) ( * troops who have combat exp.) My personal suggestions for this force re-organisation are based on my impressions of the Fuhrer?s wishes for the use of the Waffen-SS in the future and the combat experience so far in Poland. If the agreed cease-fire were attained then it would be possible to entrain the SS units for Germany by the end of the week. It is my belief that in a short period of time the LAH could form the organisational basis for the first Waffen-SS combat division. If the Fuhrer can allow further time for organisation it would seem possible to start the basis for three other divisions. I hereby propose an increase to the LAH to brigade size, fully motorised, to allow further expansion to divisional size. Increasing to brigade size would allow the unit to undergo the expansion and re-training of recruits, and be combat ready for deployment to Rumania within four weeks. The increase in manpower can be from suitable candidates in SS-VT units without lowering LAH selection standards. By withdrawing all SS formations it would be possible over a three-month period to establish three divisions of similar size to army units. However to gain the manpower it would require the lowering of admission standards to meet recruitment needs. Although it will be possible to keep the high selection standard for the LAH, any wide increase in SS troop numbers will eventually require the lowering of selection standards. Although I see the benefits of maintaining these standards, combat losses will soon force the change upon us. This will happen quickly in a period of prolonged warfare. Himmler does not seem to realise the need to lower selection requirements and I prevail to the Fuhrer to make him see sense. By re-organising the units in the following manner will allow us to establish three re-enforced brigades, which will allow us to filter in new recruits and bring those brigades to divisional size within six months. I stress however to do this will require removing SS formations from combat theatres for some time. We will have the LAH at brigade size with which to witness combat performance and when the other divisions are ready, LAH can be withdrawn and brought to divisional size. The organisation could take the following form; September 1939 ? all units withdrawn to bases in Germany. October 1939 ? LAH becomes motorised brigade ready for combat by the end of month. During this month Deutschland will combine with Oberbayern and Ostmark to form Brigade Das Reich, which will convert to a motorised division. Germania will combine with Brandenburg to form Brigade Totenkopf. Der Fuhrer will combine with Thuringen (and Danzig when released) to form Brigade Gotze. They will receive six months re-training and integration of new recruits. March 1940 ? Re-designation of brigades to divisional size. April 1940 ? withdrawal of LAH brigade to reform as division and commitment of new divisions to OKW order of battle. June 1940 ? LAH re-designated division and re-admitted to order of battle. Following these guidelines would allow us to field the following Waffen-SS units by the summer of 1940. The re-organisation of LAH to division from brigade may well take less time depending on combat losses sustained in the intervening time period. Both motorised divisions will include a panzer formation and be fully motorised. 1st SS Motorised Division Liebstandarte Adolf Hitler. 2nd SS Motorised Division Das Reich. 3rd SS Grenadier Division Totenkopf. 4th SS Grenadier Division Gotze. Future expansion may allow us to increase the number of divisions and upgrade existing divisions to Panzer or Motorised designation. However to do this will require a greater level of supply and new equipment than we presently receive. I would urge the Fuhrer to act over army restrictions to the supply of Waffen-SS units. All units apart from LAH suffer from having to use old and foreign equipment. Our SS-VT units are equipped almost the same as units from the Great War, relying on the MG-08 as support weapons and the ZB-38 as squad support, due to the army insisting on a lack of MG-34?s for our supply. It is my belief that we have the basis for many highly trained and motivated combat divisions but we should act quickly to ensure adequate supply of modern equipment to them. Next an example of the press releases for a turn, these come from a variety of sources and are given to each player... Press Releases for week ending 14/09/1939 These will be mainly from Beormunster radio in Switzerland unless stated otherwise. The world has once again witnessed Europe fall into the pit of war. The birthplace of civilisation is once again to be consumed in the fire of war. The war to end all wars seems to be repeating itself? Beobachter Volksider, Germany (BVG) ? In a few days time our great leader will present the first Iron Cross of this conflict to the captain of the U-26. The Balkan assault on Yugoslavia is making slow progress, but since the intervention of Germany and the Soviet Union it may become a clash of ideology as well as a war of territorial gain? German forces in Poland have ground to a halt in the face of stiff resistance and foreign intervention? Le Nationale, France (LNF)? In the last few days France, with the help of Britain and the Soviet Union, has struck a devastating blow on the German Reich and destroyed many of its war producing facilities? The Times, Great Britain (TGB) ? Last night British Bombers struck at the heart of the German Navy, the supposedly impregnable Kiel facility. Six squadrons of Wellington bombers launched a dramatic daylight raid and destroyed key facilities of the German Navy. This was in support of French and Soviet strikes against other military targets? Pravda, USSR (PUSSR) ? Yesterday morning our heavy bombers struck deep into the heart of Germany from forward airfields in Poland. The USSR will maintain an air war against fascist Germany until it reverts to the conditions of the Versailles Treaty and stops all hostile action towards the state of Poland. The Red Air Force struck at three oil refineries while our fighters have been in constant action alongside the Polish Air Force against the fascist invaders. We have also secured two bridgeheads into the state of Rumania in our attempts to counter the assaults on Yugoslavia. The USSR will not stop until all of Yugoslavia is freed from invasion? BVG ? Yesterday Germany endured the first bombings of this war. The German people will not tolerate this destruction wrought upon civilian targets. Although some areas suffered minor damage, many enemy bombers were shot down by the heroic Luftwaffe. For the many civilians killed we will exact a bloody revenge upon our enemies? Germany has suffered heavy bombing in retaliation for the destruction in Poland. Our sources claim that the targets were, the political centre of Berlin, several oil refineries and aircraft production facilities and the naval base at Kiel? TGB ? The BEF has arrived safely in Calais and is moving towards positions on the Belgian-German border to help defend against Nazi aggression. The PM has stated that should France invade Germany then British troops will take part to relieve pressure on Poland? LNF ? It is with great sorrow that we report the death of Marcel Dupont, the Minster of Home Affairs. His car was attacked by two unknown assailants who fired sub-machine guns into the car while it was at traffic lights in the centre of Paris. Both M. Dupont and his driver were killed instantly. The attackers made their getaway on a motorcycle and are still at large? Peoples Post, Rumania (PPR) ? Over the last few days Rumania has been assaulted by the USSR. Airborne troops landed and secured the communists access to our nation but with help arriving from our brothers and Germany we will soon stop their advance and eject them from our homelands? TGB ? it is with deep sorrow that the government announced the loss of the battleship, HMS Royal Oak, in the North Sea this week. While moving to take part in the blockade of Germany she was hit by a salvo of torpedoes from an enemy U-boat. Although there were survivors unconfirmed reports state that these survivors were machine gunned in their life rafts by the U-boat crew? BVG ? It is with great pride that we announce the sinking of the British battleship the Royal Oak. U-47 under the captaincy of Gunther Prien sunk the vessel in the North Sea. Should Britain continue in its blockade of Germany then it will suffer even more losses to its supposedly powerful navy? The Soviet-Japanese peace negotiations over Manchuria held in Brazil have been plagued with difficulties and seem to be on the verge of breaking up? And finally the response to the players requests for research... Research and Development for September 1939 United States of America The following designs have been selected by the War Productions Office and await the Presidents final approval; · The M3 tank. This tank will mount a 37mm and a 75mm gun in a turret and hull mounting. It will be possible to utilise the hull for future improved designs. · The T-6 design requires more funding for development into the prototype. This model will not reach prototype stage till spring 1940, and will not see production till Spring 1941. · Research on a new fighter plane and a new medium bomber, both to feature a high weapon configuration and superior range capability. Great Britain U.S.S.R · More funds required to construct prototype of T-34 and conduct trials for production in June 1940. The Greater German Reich · Funding required for the new 50mm anti-tank gun PAK 38. This will be developed both in a ground weapon and turret mounted configuration. · Dr. Weisler has asked for increased funding in the rocket weapons programme begun in 1938. · With the construction of the Graf Zepplin proceeding funds are needed for the development of aircraft for use on-board the carrier. Initial planes proposed for conversion are the JU-87 and the Bf 109. Hope this gives you all some idea of the way my mind is going...
The examples are taken from an earlier campaign and are somewhat vague so they dont give away too many plot lines...