Newly elected president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, promises no compromises regarding the country's nuclear energy programme. The US has already made the statement that Iran having such technology is unacceptable to them. Is this the beginning of another war ? And what do you think of Vladimir Putin's offer to help Iran complete their nuclear programme ?
I think that Putin is either putting short-term profit before international common sense, or he really wants the USA to over-extend itself a bit more. Or he genuinely believes that all people are nice people and should have access to nuclear power...
1 week before the declared 'on' date for the plant it will suffer a mysterious accident that will leave the local area to hot to enter. :smok:
Is that 'mysterious accident' as in 'warplanes of a local power accidently fly overhead and accidently drop lots of bombs'? History repeating...
Sometimes it seems to me that it is not Putin's goal to do what's best for Russia, or even to have any goal at all, but rather just to act against whatever it may be the US is doing. Or the majority of the world.
seriously , i did a project on steam power in school , theres difference between nuclear power generationa & and using it as a weapon , the only people iran can hurt as of now is them selves and wherever the wind takes the radiation , a good chance towards its allies. You can learn capabilities of harnessing nuclear energy if you have a nuclear power plant , it's very costly and hard though , Iran wouldn't do it though because their country would be attacked in retaliation by NATO countries, if they ever used such capabilities.
Don't know. But why have the West ignored what is going on in Iran ? The presidental election, which was the most obvious scam, have been accepted by the rest of the world as valid. Few writes or talks about the suppression and discrimination against the non-muslim population, which makes up almost half the population of Iran, much less is said about the atrocities you'll find in any Islamic state. I think we all remember the images of Palestines dancing in the streets, celebrating the terrorist attack on 9/11. But how many of you remember, or have even seen, the images of the non-muslim Iranians who poured into the streets to show their sympathy with the victims of the terrorist attack, literally risking their lives and freedom to do it ?
Actually from what I know, the iranian elections were rather "liberal" for a middle east country. The iranian political system is much more democratic then let's say Yemen, Egypt or Saudi Arabia. From what I know Iran has a muslim-shiite population of around 96%.What non-muslim population are you referring too? Do however note that Iran is a stabilizing factor in the muslim world today. Teheran constantly presses the iraqi shiites not to go into open rebellion but rather tells them to get the power by legal means. In Afghanistan too, western intelligence services see Iran as a stabilizzing factor. And then why do those fanatical islamists that attack western cities always come from our "good allies" Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Jordan or Morocco, but surprisingly not from Iran, Iraq or Syria....
How can it be more democratic when they cheat ? And is everything all right then, even if they have a more "democratic" political system than for example Saudi Arabia ? From what I know Iran has a muslim-shiite population of around 96%.What non-muslim population are you referring too? Sorry, that should have read 'non-believers'. That is the secular part of the population. Some sources even claim that this part is increasing. Of course they do. The Shiites outnumber the Sunnis by almost two to one, which in practise means that they will run the country in the future. I fail to see why any of this justifies the atrocities committed to the population of Iran.
No of course not. [/quote] It doesn't justify anything. I just have the impression that Iran is more and more treated as some kind of "Black Sheep" altough if you compare them to some other muslim countries they still appear rather progressive.
Are they using the right kind of uranium anyways ? , you can only convert nuclear power plant material into a nuclear weapon if your using a certain type of uranium. Don't underestimate Iran's military either because they are determined and still have american weapons from the 70's that are still quite formidible , and modern soviet equipment from the 70's,80's,and some from the 90's, and they defeated a well equipped , well trained iraqi army in the 80's , with a rmy of little or no training , they took heavier casualties but they drove iraq out of Iran.
The Iranians are a gifted people, in my opinion they are more technologically advanced than any of their neighbors. Secretly, the place 'parties' big time from what I gather.
If we get a escalation, they may should drop biolagical weopons on Iran to neutralize everyone who wants to attack and destroy us. Thats my point of view. Regards, Che.
And the mass of the Iranian population? And the guys in the countries next to Iran? Would you really like to present a golden propaganda opportunity to those who promote the 'Muslims vs the West' ideology?
Yeah may you´re right. I´ve read it in Mark Bowdens book "Black Hawk Down ", that many somalis take a weopon, because they´ve lost someone of their large clans. Imagine there is a clan, with 100 male "members". If you kill one, you will get 99 enemys, everyone will try get a revenge. So either you kill everybody or nobody. Am I right? Sounds hard, i know. We can´t allow iran to get atomic bombs, the mullahs are all mad n stupid. What happens, when iran get "the bomb", who is able to stop them? May the USA should make some downranges and destroy the "factories". Sounds like written from a mad man, but I haven´t such a big dictionary and don´t know some words, so I use others. Also many words have different meanings in Germany and in USA/UK. Regards, Che.
My Iranian friends here tell me The Mullahs are working on a bomb and when they get it , they will use it.. You don't see the bastards on the the street- they hide- because the people hate them. The 'Revolutionary Guards' come in your house and harrass your 87 year old granny about religion. Hell- old folks are the most religious, they just have problems making it down to the mosque at nearly ninety years old. The young people hate the jerks in charge, they hate them because they want to be like young people everywhere. The adults hate them because they are sophisticated and they have a clue about life. I am a hard liner as to IslamoFascists, but I like Persians.
Yep, I think everyone has seen the pictures of young irani students on their demonstrations. There are also many normal people, with a bad regime. If i can, I would cancel my former post, that we have to kill everyone, thats big big humbug. BUT To avoid a nuclear war and/or many victims, we should eliminate the leadership of Iran, so we get chaos(anarchie in iran. Special Forces should seek for everything that could be useful for a nuclear bomb and should destroy it. Better Iran becomes a battlefield, then our cities and countries. Everyone know that there are many idiots, who want to die for the islam, so allah can grin. So I think the irani govuerment will give terrorists nuclear bombs. And no appeasement, the history showed us, what happen if, Munich. We are in real danger. Che.
I think it's a bit of catch 22 here. It's like in SSSR. Everbody hates those on top ( in this case mulahs), but all or most of population are frightned of possible US involvment in any future goverment ( they still remember Shah Reza Pahlavi and his murdourus secret police - a great friend of USA BTW ). It all comes down to this: Who do you hate (or fear ) more. Sad truth is that US involment (assistance) with ones goverment ( in third world ) usualy means military dictatorship or some dictatorial king or prince. One can't forget US history in Iran. They still remember Mosadeq and military cue that US orchestrated to replace him with Reza Pahlavi (oil, oil, oil). It's interesting that current Iran rules downplay Mosadeq's rule as he was not islamist but Persian nationalist. BTW he won free election ( so much for spreading democraty in the area). They still can't forget huge military assistance that their goden boy ( at the time) Sadam was getting in return for war against them. If the weren't for meddling US there wouln't be any mulahs in Iranian goverment now. Poeple hated Pahlavi so much that in 1979 they had revolution and they chose Homeini as leader (big mistake on their part as most of them probbably know). Probably if there was any one else they would chose him (but there was no one as Iranian US sponsored secret police was brutaly effective). I belive that if Iran had democratic (or any other) goverment they would be even more supportive of their A bomb project.