Quick heads-up time for Eastern Front enthusiasts - Jason Mark's 'Death Of The Leaping Horseman ( The 24th Panzer Division In Stalingrad )' is now easily available as a Stackpole hardback ( ISBN 978-0-8117-1404-4 ). Previously legendarily unobtainable in paperback, this is a superbly-produced edition with masses of maps, photos, sketches, diary entries etc. Not for the general reader, but essential if you're really interested in Stalingrad, it's currently available from a well-known tax-doging internet retailer at a bargain price right now. Go on - treat yourself !
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Death-Leaping-Horseman-Division-Stalingrad/dp/0811714047/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1414834597&sr=1-1&keywords=death+of+the+leaping+horseman Sorry to advertise the famous tax dodging retailer and I'm sure it's available elsewhere. I had this on pre-order and have been reading it for a couple of weeks. The chance to buy a classic at an affordable price (originals go for £200). It is a fantastic piece of work and worth every penny. I hope they do his others too.