I found an interesting interview with New Orleans DA Jim Garrison published in Playboy (vol. 14 no. 10 - October 1967): http://www.jfklancer.com/Garrison2.html Interesting quote (3.part at the end): Kind of familiar isn't it?
well, you could take it as meaning that it won't - after all, it did not happen in the 1960s... On a related topic - is it true that a law making it illegal to burn the American flag is being considered?
I belive he was talking in future tense i.e. something like now. Don't you agree? Man that never ceases to amaze me:roll:. You can't burn the flag but you can use it to make underpants out of it efectivly wiping your arse with it. :lol:
Well, technically by law you're not supposed to do anything with it other than use it as a flag. Hats, pants, skivvies, and all that crap is actually against the law. However, it's rather difficult to enforce. Personally, I don't mind displaying the flag in some of the other formats, but sometimes it does go a little far IMHO.
Cop's wet dreams: checking beutifull ladies if they wear underwear made from US flags Now that would be a job for me ( i'm a dirty bugger i know)
full of bull old jim garrison is and was always full of it. his celberated investigation of JFKs murder unearthed nothing but that's ok since its real reason was to grab headlines for jim. if you are looking for something new you will have to look elsewhere.