haha I just thought I would inform you all that I have only today found the quick post button, I just like to say that who ever came up with the Idea is a genious I hated having to go to reply to post just to answer a quick question or ask one so thankyou who ever lol
It's a nice feature isn't it? There are some really nice features of these forums, it's really worth your time to read the forum FAQ and familiarize yourself with some of the features here. It will make you life easier and save you a lot of cursing in the long run.
I know how you feel tomcat, I notice something new every month or so myself, and I'm supposed to know most everything about this place!
lol that would only work if I was in a country with a president, I am australian we have a Prime Minister, the same as a president but we aint got no button pressing fun that your president does
It's possible but it's a major scripting issue. I'll take a quick look see if I can get it in there, but no promises Slip. :kbpeck:
not wishing to add work, please don't worry about. I thought it might a mouse click in a menu box. Fugedhaboudit.
what about a beer fridge, a biscuit machine, a massage from a sweet lady and the toilet flush? A right clic would be fine.
I haven't found a smiley for eyebrows raised yet. or did you mean to suggest an alternate for those of us of the cough cough gentler persuasion? strike that, my husband just wouldn't approve...... Michelle
macrusk, one thing we don't have here is a shortage of smilies to indicate what exactly you are trying to express. :eyebrows: :eh: :sunglasses-peek: :mischief:
I second what Otto said, I found them the other day by accident and I was amazed by them all. haha I love that last one.
Thanks Otto. Well, I had found the multitude of smilies (an incredible selection), I just hadn't found :eyebrows: this one! I'm getting new glasses soon... on the other hand, I did find the quick post button right off! PS I can't believe how much I enjoy this forum! So a giant thank you for that Otto!