This photo was taken in Nigeria 1942/3. The soldier on the extreme right side foreground , is my late father-in-law RSM Jim Guest. Jim was on secondment from the Royal Worcestershire Regiment to The Kings African Rifles. The native troops are bare-footed. Uniform of the day was == KD (khaki drill) fez, cummerbund, web belt, bayonet frog, and putties. Weapons carried are Lee Enfield .303s. "Experts" have informed me that the Lee Enfields are the Mk 3 issue. The stories he told of these soldiers were amazing, and sometimes very funny. For example:--- They had a Regimental sports day ( as is common in the British Army) They introduced the native troops to "Throwing a cricket ball" It was explained very carefully to them, that the idea was to see who could chuck a cricket ball the longest distance. The farthest distance wins. Up stepped the first squaddie -- looked at the ball and heaved the thing right out of the Regimental lines! They never found it again! End of that contest! After training these troops went on to serve with great distinction in many theatres of WW2. Sad to say they have largely been overlooked by WW2 writers and historians.
Yes they would be overlooked due to the colour of the skin, but still all who fought against the axis were heros and very brave, a nice private picture you have. :thumb:
Great picture Jamie, i think Stalin has said it all ... Hope to hear more about your Father-in-Law RSM Jim Guest .. :thumb: