A nicely done documentary on the Romanian air war. Covers TIDAL WAVE, the high level missions and Operation Reunion. Its about 50 minutes long, so grab a tall cold one and sit back. http://vimeo.com/18636277
At about 32:17, this photo appears. The American NCO facing the Romanian officer in front is T/Sgt John Chonka, F/E for Felix Fowler crew of the 449th BG, 717th BS. He was shot down 16 Apr 44 over Brasov flying with the Lancelot Minor crew, and acted as an interpreter at the POW camp. In the second row (directly behind blonde man between Chonka and Rom. officer) is 1 Lt John McCormick, pilot in 449th, 719th Squadron, shot down 4 Apr 44 over Bucharest.