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Discussion in 'Weapons & Technology in WWII' started by JCFalkenbergIII, Jul 22, 2008.

  1. JCFalkenbergIII

    JCFalkenbergIII Expert

    Jan 23, 2008
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    Here is a new one for me. I was looking for a photo of the LVT(A)-4 Ronson and found this.

    LVT(A)-1 with M24 Turret[​IMG]

    "In another effort to improve the firepower of the amphibian tank, the Army on 8 June 1944 requested the experimental installation of the turret from the light tank M24 on the LVT(A)(1). This required some modification to fit this turret with its 60 inch diameter ring to the A)(l) chassis. The transmission and final drives were modified to handle the increased weight and the stowage arranged to carry 100 rounds of ammunition for the M6 75mm gun. Tests by the Bureau of Ships indicated that the 75mm gun could be safely fired when afloat, but that the vehicle was unstable during water maneuvers. It was intended that the hull be reduced in height by nine inches and the turret moved forward by two inches to improve stability. It also was recommended that the turret be modified to reduce its weight. These changes had not carried out when the war ended and the project was cancelled ."

  2. JCFalkenbergIII

    JCFalkenbergIII Expert

    Jan 23, 2008
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    Funny how the "Tests by the Bureau of Ships indicated that the 75mm gun could be safely fired when afloat, but that the vehicle was unstable during water maneuvers."

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