A photo from the NARA. Caption reads: "Lt. Rene Livchen, Washington, D.C., Target Officer for the 63rd Inf. Division, U.S. Seventh Army, looks at the four 20-mm cannon mounted in nose of destroyed ME262 jet propelled plane left on Reich Autobahn, used for landing after Allied planes bombed the airfield near Leipheim, Germany." Date: 27 April 1945. III-SC 206021, Credit NARA. Dave
The Germans were trying to hide everything at the end of the war. They thought they could possibly wage a guerilla war. But it was never to be. Would be too costly and the proportions would have to be immense.
quite a well known foto from a series of pics showing this bird. should read four 30mm cannon not 30mm E `
insane ? yes quite heavy, probably too heavy and not effective entirely in the short porpoise run done on the rear of the bomber formations due to the quickness/time limitations during the attack. Four 20mm cannons would of been better suited even with their longer barrels protruding from the nose. in fact the new concept teech models of the 252 in at least one case were to ahve the sleeker fuselage and recessed barrels so the 2cm could be mounted and as well as long fuselage mounted fuel cells one on either side of the fuselage ......... sound rather strange but true
Haha sorry. I meant insane like that was alot of firepower for an aircraft of that tye. The rate of fire on those guns are slow. The pilot would have to get clean shots off quickly because of the ME262's speed.