REALLY off topic, but does anyone know where i can get a london underground t-shirt (you know "mind the gap"). This site here... has some interesting sounds of the london underground too. Thanks guys. This would make my life complete to have one of these shirts. (LOL)
Sheesh ! The things I do for this Forum ! ? stomer_ID=w1xDSgAA434566981698 and it's about halfway down page 5..... Now let me have a quiet lie down ! [ 12 September 2002, 07:28 AM: Message edited by: Martin Bull ]
man alive you are guys are awesome! i tried to find it for about 30 mins last night and never once did i find this site.
Martin doing that?!!! Can't believe it... It is like Friedrich not bothering people, Erich not liking night fighters and Carl not talking about militaria... no way possible!!!
yeah, about the shirt, do you guys know where i can get it in white? (sorry Martin, im very picky) i would REALLY like to get this shirt as it would make my life complete LOL
i was kidding about the thing that it would make my life complete... i just would like to get the shirt in white and i find it hard to believe that noone online has it.... whatever
as an afterthought.... Martin, since you live in London could you pick me up a shirt and then i could send you a few greenbacks for it? i dont know, just thinking out loud.
I live in London but don't often get down to the Covent Garden area. If you can live without the shirt for a little while - watch this space & I'll see what I can do.
I am bringing this back to see if anyone else has any idea where i can get a mind the gap t-shirt. If you know e-mail me at:
last chance for anyone to find a Mind the Gap white t-shirt.... if it just isnt out there then i might as well just accept it...
I was at work the other week and saw a guy wearing one of these shirts! Erich-I'm sure if you follow links on the internet you can easily find one-just persevere...