I like these games equally, so what a better way to see which is better tan asking the public??? CoD or MoH:AA??
I'm votoing for Call of Duty because it had more time to actually think about MOH and captitalize on some of the shortcomings. First of all the AI is much more challenging. The graphics appear better and it appears the sounds seem very realistic as I haven't fought in many WW2 battles myself. I thought the story line was better in COD and it exposed you to a good number of different things. MOH was an excellent primer to get you ready for COD.
Yeah, CoD was a great single player..... But MoH, was easily my favourite multiplayer. I could play CoD for up to 2 hours, and no more, while I could spend all night on MoH. If I liked single player more then I would easily prefer CoD. But I prefer Multiplayer and prefer MoH.
i picked CoD. MOH's graphics are kinda older looking and its sounds are a bit off. Ive heard the Tommygun, Mp40, and BAR1918 fire in real life, and CoD matches their sounds almost perfectly.
Tim - the MoH enemy is not the smartest. Having played all MoH's and CoD, i do believe CoD has smarter enemies. There are alot of similarities, but CoD the enemy works together better, and i think CoD is more realistic especially when it comes to the rest of your 'squad mates' working together.