I saw a story about this on Fow news and have found some webpages for it. Enjoy, I cant wait for this movie to come out! Max http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,53168,00.html Here its mentioned along with The Pianist http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0252/hoberman.php Its meantioned here as well: http://www.sun-sentinel.com/features/sfl-29namedropdec29,0,7448182.story?coll=sfla-entertainment-headlines There ya go! heres a good review http://www.filmcritic.com/misc/emporium.nsf/2a460f93626cd4678625624c007f2b46/cacc829f75f2e0bc88256c830000c213?OpenDocument Heres the Official site http://www.maxthemovie.com/ [ 31. December 2002, 07:13 PM: Message edited by: Carl G.E. von Mannerheim ]
Ive heard on the radio that this is supposed to be one of the best movies about Hitler made--but--we'll see--we'll see. Actually by its name--when I first heard it I was hoping and thinking that it was going to be a ww1 airel combat film on someone winning the Pour Le Merite (Blue Max).
Well... If nothing else it´s going to be interesting to see how the movie makers think Hitler grew up.I hope they don´t get carried away with the idea. But now we see that many things are accepted little by little, how about chicken farmer Himmler next?
Im glad this movie is coming out. Its going to show that Hitler was not a monster, he was a man like you or me, he put his pants on one leg at a time. People have this 'firebreathing' pistol, paper hanging, evil Monster. This movie, hopefully show that he was just a bit crazy, which grew when brought along by other people. CvM
Actually none of them were monsters BUT, the way things happened and with the mixtyure of folklure and actual facts from Spain from hundreds of years earlier--is basically what formed the way things were carried out slightly before and during ww2. Take Himmler for an example: He was the son of a School Teacher was the middle of three brothers and was raised correctly. He was an Artillery Officer in the Imperial German Army--but never saw any action as he was on various staffs during his time in service. Because of his staff experiance--this helped him excell at his jobs with the NSDAP. Himmler was not handsome nor was he an ugly looking man--just an average-looking human. At the time he was being raised and his mind was being formed--though it was a sad fact but true--it was common that the jewish perple were not liked. Now to bring this into perspective--for their hatred of the jewish peoples. In Spain I forget how many hundreds of years ago it was--but--the Jewish peoples were persecuted there BECAUSE and supposedly--they cause The Black Death A.K.A.-- The Plague. Soooo--the authorities in charge--persecuted and killed I think around 50,000 jewish people--as they were blamed for starting the Plague--and im sure were blamed for other things too. The source for this material is in a new book out which is all about Himmler. The one person I have always felt that really got the "Final Solution" thing going was-- Reinhard Heydrich, or someother Gauleiter of a territory--who wanted to "get Noticed" by the higherups. Personally--I have never believed that this idea came from Hitler, Himmler nor even Goebbles. But its bad that they supported it. Believe it or not--the Concentration Camp ideas--were started with the British--dunring the Boer War. Now the British Concentration Camps--were not what the Nazis turned them into--they were nerely what the words said: "Concentration of Prisoners."
Two..well actually three things, Carl! 1. The British were the first to invent the "concentration camp" in the world ( the Boer wars ) 2. The Finns were the first in Europe to use the concentration camp ( The Civil war ) 3.I think Reinhard Heydrich was the most horrible person in Reich
Yep, only recently on holiday in a by the pool day read book on Boer war that challenged a lot of concepts on how the war was fought. Mentioned in there about Spanish Cuban war. Quick search on net backs it up....I went for years believing Brits introduced the concept but apparantly the Spanish got there before us... The much criticized "reconcentrados" strategy of isolating rebels from their country supplies and farmer sympathizers by moving civilians into what might today be called "concentration camps" is also what the British did during the Boer War -- or what the Americans did in Vietnam with the protected "strategic hamlet" villages.
Hi Kai, I completely agree with you, and I also think Heydrich was the most evil--VILE person to come out of ww2. Thanks Urgh.
Sounds amazing! I am already yearning for watching it! I know I know the actor who is going to play Hitler, Noah Taylor. But where from? Would any body tell me?